Early approval for PeopleSoft Research Project Set-up (formally Early Release of Funds)

Note: We have changed the term Release of Funds to Approval for PeopleSoft Research Project Set-up to better align with our campus partners.

As per Queen鈥檚 Research Administration Policy , researchers are required to obtain appropriate ethics approval, certifications or licenses before commencing research. As the administering institution, Queen鈥檚 must verify that certifications/approvals are in place before allowing access to research funds. Researchers are responsible for maintaining the relevant certifications and approvals for the duration of their research.

However, in recognition that not all research activities supported by grant funds require prior approvals/certifications, we have implemented an Early PeopleSoft Research Project Set-up procedure in TRAQ. This procedure enables researchers to access a limited portion of the total research funds (max. one installment or year of funding) prior to acquiring the approvals/certifications required to conduct additional aspects of the research. The full installment/grant will only be released once all approvals are in place.  

Inform the Research Facilitator of your interest to request an early PeopleSoft Research Project Set-upby

  1. Logging into your TRAQ file using the Researcher Portal
  2. Create an Event form
  3. Select Early approval for PeopleSoft Research Project Set-up (formally listed at Early Release of Funds) from the Event Category pull down list
  4. Answer the 5 Custom Questions
  5. Click Save
  6. The Research Facilitator will claim your Early approval for PeopleSoft Research Project Set-up Event.
  7. The Research Facilitator will contact you via TRAQ, letting you know if the request has been approved.
  8. The Research Facilitator will notify Research Accounting so they can proceed with the set-up of the new People Soft project/account.
  9. PI must inform the RF (via email) once the required certification(s) are active, so they can release the remaining funds.