Process and Resolution under the Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence Policy Involving Students

I received a Notice of Investigation

When a case is referred to the Student Conduct Office for investigation and resolution under the Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence Policy Involving Students (Sexual Violence Policy), a Case Manager is assigned. The Case Manager will be your primary point of contact for information about the process.

The first step in the process is for the Case Manager to send a Notice of Investigation that provides information on the complaint, identifies the next steps in the process, and notifies you who has been assigned as the Investigator.

You need to read this notice carefully, as it may contain interim measures. Interim measures are not disciplinary and they do not represent a finding of misconduct. They are temporary measures needed to support the successful resolution of a case.  

The Notice of Investigation will also include a summary of the allegations, inform you that you have a right to bring a support person or advisor to meetings, and provide instructions on how to request a reconsideration of the interim measures.

After you receive the Notice of Investigation, the Investigator will reach out to you to provide you with Disclosure about the case. Disclosure will include a list of allegations and any supporting information or documentation that you will be asked to respond to as part of the process. The Investigator will invite you to respond to the allegations by attending an in-person or virtual meeting and interview, and/or by providing a written response.

Check out Section 12 of the Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence Involving Students for more information about the process to resolve cases of sexual violence.

Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence Involving Students

How are Sexual Violence cases resolved?

Once an investigation has been completed by the Investigator, a report of their findings will be delivered to a decision-maker (the Associate Vice-Provost (Student Affairs) or their delegate). The Case Manager will also offer to provide you with a copy of the report.

Prior to formalizing the decision, you will have the opportunity to submit a brief outline of any concerns you have regarding the process, findings, and/or possible sanctions. Within two weeks of receiving your input, the decision-maker will make a decision about responsibility in the case and, if applicable, appropriate sanctions. The decision will be provided to you in writing, and will include the decision-maker's rationale.

What can the Sanctions be?

A range of sanctions can be applied during the resolution of a Sexual Violence complaint. Among the factors that may be considered when determining appropriate sanctions are: the nature and severity of the incident; relevant aggravating and mitigating circumstances; and the University鈥檚 role in providing a safe environment for those impacted by sexual violence.

Sanctions may consist of a single requirement or may consist of a combination of requirements to be respected, completed, and/or met. Sanctions include, but are not limited to, those outlined in the Sexual Violence Policy and are tailored to the specific circumstances of each case. Decision-makers strive to balance the particular needs of those who have been directly impacted with the University鈥檚 role in providing mechanisms of accountability and educating students on sexual violence and consent.

Sanctions such as a no contact order, a notice of prohibition from parts or all of campus, and required education on issues related to sexual violence are those most commonly assigned.

Do I have the right to appeal?

Once the decision in a Sexual Violence case has been issued, all parties to the case will have ten business days to submit a written appeal (with supporting documentation) to the Vice Provost and Dean of Students in accordance with Section 13 of the Sexual Violence Policy. The Vice Provost and Dean of Students will then render a final decision in writing.