Why Sociology?

Sociology enables us to understand the structure and dynamics of society, and their intricate connections to patterns of human behaviour and individual life chances. It examines how various social forces produce social order and social change and in so doing influence what we do and how we think. 

Why Study Sociology at Queen鈥檚?

We provide a personal, friendly and stimulating environment for our students, offering courses that combine lectures, tutorials, and small group seminars, with an approachable team of expert faculty.

As a student you will encounter the latest research through our teaching, where our award-winning faculty teach their own specialisms in communications and digital media, work and occupations, disability studies, consumer culture, crime, deviance, and the law, policing and criminal justice, gender, race and ethnicity, social theory and methods, and more.  

In Sociology, we enable students to relate their personal life and biography to broader aspects of social and cultural change, fostering a thoughtful and systematic approach to understanding patterns and processes of contemporary life in Canada and throughout the world. We offer a critical understanding of society alongside expertise in social research, with our students going on to successful careers in academia, professional programs, marketing, law, media, management, the non-profit sector including international development and social work, health and education.