Religion Gender and Sexuality among Youth (RGSY)

Religion, Gender, and Sexuality Among Youth in Canada

Welcome and thank you for visiting the RGSY Project website.

We are collecting information about how young adults (aged 18-25) living in Canada understand their religiosity, their gender, their sexuality and the relationships among these three.

We are interested in hearing from all young adults (whether religious or not) who wish to discuss their attitudes regarding religious and sexual/gender identities.

Data for this project will be collected in three ways: from a web-based survey; from interviews and from video diaries.

The information we collect will be analyzed and presented to a range of audiences (e.g. the general public, policy makers, groups of youth and youth leaders, religious leaders and groups).

This study builds on resources from Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip's Religion,Youth and Sexuality research . The RGSY project thanks Dr. Yip and his team for so generously sharing their survey questions and valuable experience with us.

The study is funded in part by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Major Collaborative Research Initiative entitled The Religion and Diversity Project.

The RGSY survey is now closed

Pamela Dickey Young
School of Religion
Kingston, ON

613.533.6000; ext. 74324