QSR Prof James Miller will give three lectures in California this month about his research on religion, culture and nature in contemporary China.

Prof Miller explains, "The monumental task that China faces in the 21st century is to create a way of development that does not destroy the ecological foundations for the life and livelihood of its 1.4 billion citizens. This requires a creative leap beyond the Enlightenment mentality and the Western model of industrialization. My research aims to understand what role China's cultural traditions, its religious values, ideals and ways of life can play in building a sustainable China."

Prof Miller will be a guest speaker in a class at Loyola Marymount University on November 17, and then will give two public lectures: the first at the Confucius Institute of the University of California, Santa Barbara on November 18; and the second at the University of Southern California's US-China Center, on November 18.


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