Terms of Reference
An Advisory Committee to the Rector shall be constituted for the purpose of meeting at least once per academic term (fall, winter), or more often at the call of the co-chairs thereof, or the Rector.
The Advisory Committee shall be comprised of:
- Chief of Staff of the Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, co-chair, ex officio
- Secretary of the University, co-chair, ex officio
University Ombudsperson or delegate, ex officio - President of the AMS or delegate, ex officio
- President of the SGPS or delegate, ex officio
- Former Rector (at least one, preferably two)
Non-ex officio members shall serve for a term of three (3) years, renewable.
The Committee shall provide guidance, advice, and support to the Rector. The Committee shall do so without becoming involved in the substance of individual matters being dealt with by the Rector.
More specifically, the Committee may:
a) Make recommendations regarding improvements to the visibility and effectiveness of the Office;
b) Discuss trends, themes, strategic issues, and priorities identified by the Rector, Committee members, or others, and provide advice and feedback to the Rector on these;
c) Provide advice to the Rector on university policies and practices that may assist the Office to operate in accordance with its Terms of Reference and that may assist the Rector to provide advice and guidance to the Queen鈥檚 student community;
d) Complete a review of the Rector鈥檚 Role Description from time to time, and a review of its own composition and mandate, in collaboration with the Rector; and
e) Plan for the future of the Office, including reviewing the financial and other resource requirements of the Office to ensure adequate support and commitment to support the Rector and fulfillment of the mandate of the Office.
f) Review nominations for the Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award or membership in the Tricolour Society, at the Rector鈥檚 request as highlighted in article H of the Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award Terms of Reference.
The Committee shall be advisory only and shall not have any authority over the Rector, their Office, or the employees, interns, or students therein.
Support for the Advisory Committee shall be provided by the University Secretariat.