
Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin

Assistant Professor
Department of Gender Studies
Department of Geography & Planning

Research/professional interests
how the forms of labour cultivated and performed by youth in African cities are affected by coloniality, postcolonial politics of identity and racial capitalism, Critical Race Theory, and Black futurity in popular culture

More about Grace

Quincy Armorer

Adjunct Lecturer
The Dan School of Drama & Music

Oyedeji Ayonrinde

Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry

Research/professional interests
cannabis, marijuana, psychosis, addiction

More about Oyediji

Mofiyinfoluwa Badmos

Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator
Smith School of Business

Research/professional interests
fostering inclusive spaces for Commerce students, supporting the transition needs of International and Domestic students, and working with colleagues on developing and implementing equitable strategies.

Elijah Bisung

Assistant Professor
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies

Research/professional interests
environmental collective action for environmental health promotion, environmental stress and psychosocial health, community based participatory research, health systems resilience to climate change, and safe water and sanitation interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa

Yolande Bouka

Assistant Professor
Department of Political Studies

Research/professional interests
African Politics, Gender, Political Violence, Race and International Relations, Protests

More about Yolande

Alana Butler

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Education

Research/professional interests
academic achievement of low socio-economic students, race and schooling, equity and inclusion, multicultural education

Celina Caesar-Chavannes

Senior Advisor, EDI Initiatives and Adjunct Lecturer
Faculty of Health Sciences

Research/professional interests
Inclusion of marginalized populations in clinical research

Kerrisha Campbell

Health Promotion Program Assistant
Student Wellness Services


Taylor Cenac

Black Studies Program and Administrative Assistant
Department of Gender Studies

Research/professional interests
Caribbean epistemologies, queer caribbean, black diaspora studies, social justice, education and community engagement, erotic power and biomythography, queer phenomenology, The Black Atlantic, anti-racist harm reduction practices

More about Taylor

Coco Doré

Senior Advisor, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity (EDII)
Office of Advancement


More about Coco

Afolasade Fakolade

Assistant Professor
School of Rehabilitation Therapy

Research/professional interests
Health promotion, chronic neurological conditions, caregiver health and resilience, physical activity, technology-supported health programming 

Kesha Fevrier

Assistant Professor
Black Studies, Department of Geography and Planning

Research/professional interests
Black Ecologies and Geographies, Urban Political Ecology focused on the Global South, Geographies of Waste, Informal Labour Markets in the Global South, Environmental Justice, and Investigations of Race from a Spatial perspective and vice versa

More about Kesha

Nazik Hammad

Associate Professor
Department of Oncology

Research/professional interests
Clinical and Translational Research in Colorectal cancer

Lavonne Hood

University Ombudsperson
Office of the University Ombudsperson

Research/professional interests
fairness, equity, diversity and inclusion

More about Lavonne

Joseph Kangmennaang

Black Studies, School of Kinesiology and Health Studies 

Research/professional interests
How the places we live, work and play impact population health and wellbeing especially with regards to (re)emerging infectious and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

Christine Keli

University Registrar - Records & Services 


Jennifer Leath

Assistant Professor
Black Studies, School of Religion

Research/professional interests
The intersection of sexualities and religious in sacred communities and spaces of African Diaspora, the intersection of Afro-Diasporic women's spiritualities and social activism, the physics of metaphysics of womanism, African and Afro-Diasporic approaches to sexualities in political economies, abolition, transnational ecumenisms of marginalized peoples, the intersections of Buddhist and womanist thought, interdisciplinary approaches to interreligious dialogue, and theories of justice

More about Jennifer

Gerome Manson

Assistant Professor
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies 

Research/professional interests
The influence of visual information on the mapping of somatosensory target locations; the role of brain and spinal neural networks in the rapid control of movements to somatosensory targets; multisensory perception during movements to somatosensory and visual targets

Jermaine Marshall

Inclusion and Anti-Racism Advisor
Human Rights & Equity Office

Research/professional interests
Jermaine (He/They) joined the Queen’s family in 2021 as the Inclusion and Anti-Racism Advisor in the office of Human Rights & Equity. He now serves as a central point of contact for individuals and units who wish to access all related anti-oppression and anti-racism initiatives, processes, and services at Queen’s. As an advisor he pulls from years of academic and professional experience in order to facilitate an intersectional approach to addressing issues of racism, discrimination and oppression. 
In their spare time Jermaine freelances as a queer vocalist and poet whose artistry seeks to create a vibrant soundscape that captures the contours of lived pain and joy within an oppressive society.  

More about Jermaine

Katherine McKittrick

Department of Gender Studies

Research/professional interests
black studies, anti-colonial studies, the arts

More about Katherine

Daniel McNeil

Professor and Queen’s National Scholar Chair in Black Studies
Department of Gender Studies

Research/professional interests
Black Atlantic cultures, politics and intellectual traditions; diasporic identities and decolonial praxis; migration and multiculturalism; public history and humanities 

More about Daniel

Nomusa Mngoma

Gopolang Mohlabeng

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute

Research/professional interests
Various aspects of dark matter phenomenology

Kristin Moriah

Assistant Professor
Department of English

Research/professional interests
African American literature and culture, African Diaspora Studies, Performance Studies, Sound Studies, Visual Culture

More about Kristin

Nadine Morrison

Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Neurology

Research/professional interests
target therapy for children with drug resistant epilepsy, especially in patients with genetic etiology

Beverley Mullings

Department of Geography & Planning

Research/professional interests
feminist political economy, labour, social transformation, neoliberalism, and the politics of gender, race and class in the Caribbean and its diaspora

More about Beverley

Juliane Okot Bitek

Assistant Professor 
Black Studies, Joint appointment in Gender Studies and English

Research/professional interests
African literature; Black Studies; Creative Writing (especially poetry); Black theory; Black  Diasporic literature; oral traditions; war and trauma literature; history and cultural memory; Black and Indigenous cultural relations

More about Juliane

Juliana Riberio da Silva Bevilacqua

Assistant Professor & Queen's National Scholar
Department of Art History & Art Conservation

Research/professional interests
Classical African art, Contemporary African art, Colonial Museums in Africa, Afro-Brazilian art, specially collections from Afro-Brazilian religions, like Candomblé, and Modernism in Bahai, Arts of Diaspora

More about Juliana

Donald Sackey

Assistant Professor (Continuing Adjunct)
French Studies

Research/professional interests
Littérature francophone, L’esthétisation de la violence impliquant les enfants dans le ‘nouveau roman’ africain

More about Donald

Elliot Samuel Paul

Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy

Research/professional interests
Early modern philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of the mind, cognitive science, creativity

More about Elliot

Dalitso Ruwe

Assistant Professor of Black Political Thought
Department of Philosophy

Research/professional interests
Intellectual History of Africana Philosophy, Anti-Colonial Theory, Africana Legal History, Black Male Studies, Hip Hop Philosophy, Black Philosophies of Education

More about Dalitso

Stephanie Simpson

Associate Vice-Principal (Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion)
Human Rights and Equity Offices

Research/professional interests
how racism and processes of racialization affect youth in smaller urban centres

Ricardo Smalling

Legal Counsel
Vice-Principal Research Partnerships and Innovation (Research Contracts Unit)


More about Richard

Vanessa E. Thompson

Assistant Professor 
Black Studies, Department of  Gender Studies

Research/professional interests
Black studies, critical racism and migration studies, gender studies, anticolonial theories, and critical ethnographies, transnational black urban and social movements, struggles against anti-black state violence and policing as well as abolition geographies and socialities

More about Vanessa

Awet Weldemichael

Professor and Queen’s National Scholar
Department of History

Research/professional interests
colonialism, decolonization, revolutions, nationalist movements, peace, conflict and security studies relevant to Africa and Southeast Asia

More about Awet

Lavie Williams

Inclusion and Anti-Racism Advisor
Human Rights and Equity Offices

Research/professional interests
anti-racism, anti-oppression

More about Lavie

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Membership inquiries
Kristin Moriah,