I know I speak for all of Queen鈥檚 University when I say how deeply we are moved by the suffering and loss that has been a daily reality in India for the last several weeks. Media coverage has shown in explicit detail the devastating effect the current wave of the pandemic has had in that country. Our university is home to many students, staff and faculty from India, many of whom still have close ties and family living there, so I understand that the toll this situation is taking on them is considerable. The university is committed to assisting those affected in any way it can. The Queen鈥檚 University International Centre is a source of support for South Asian students, and Student Affairs continues to offer counselling to students in need. 

Now, as at every other stage of the pandemic, it is critical that we support each other in any way we can. And our compassion and practical support, like the virus which calls it forth, can never be stopped at national boundaries.

Patrick Deane
Principal and Vice-Chancellor

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