Principal's Development Fund



This Program aims to enrich the international dimensions of the university, both within our classrooms and within our research environment, by providing subsidies for international travel of scholars to Queen's and scholars and staff from Queen's.

 For inquiries, contact Tasha Drexler.


Recently Supported Initiatives

Faculty of Law

Visiting Scholar: Dr. Nicole Redvers, Western Research Chair and Director in Indigenous Planetary Health, Associate Professor at Western University

In honour of National Women's Day, the Feminist Legal Studies Queen's will be leading a conference on "Promises, Praxes, Paradigms: Knowing and Acting for Change 30 years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action." Dr. Nicole Redvers (DPhil, Nd, MPH) has been invited as the Keynote speaker and will be touching on the the Indigenous determinants of planetary health and respect of the feminine. The event will be hosted by the Feminist Legal Studies Queen's and the Queen's Faculty of Law.

Faculty of Arts and Science

Visiting Scholar: Dr. Kevin Day, Assistant Professor of Composition/Director of Jazz Orchestra, Sir Wilfred Laurier University

Visited MUSC 392 Theory and Analysis III to lead a lecture entitled Engaging New Music: a Composer鈥檚 Perspective to showcase how the study of composers and their repertoire from the 20th and 21st centuries have influenced his compositional voice, process, and output as an African American jazz performer who grew to discover his unique voice in classical/contemporary composition and academia.

Day demonstrated how practices in the music theory classroom had real-world implications in shaping his growth as an artist and how he applies them in his professional life composing for major organizations across North America, earning awards and recognition. Activities included a lecture on contemporary composition practices, an analysis of his newest work for Wind Ensemble, and an interactive discussion where students had the opportunity to ask questions about his life as a professional artist.


Visiting Scholar: Dr. Dineo Skosana, Senior Researcher, Society, Work and Politics Institute, University of the Witwatersrand

School of Environmental Studies Colloquium: Compensating Mining-induced Dispossession and Intangible Loss through Courts: A case study of Somkhele, KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)

Dr. Skosana鈥檚 focus is on mining-induced dispossession, which is central to rationalizing amongst other reasons, why the just transition from coal is necessary. Her doctorate research explored the contestations over coal mining and African grave exhumations in the Mpumalanga province (South Africa). She has worked and published extensively on the continued salience of traditional leadership in post-apartheid South Africa. She has interest in Indigenous politics, rural struggles, politics over land, sacred sites, heritage and belonging.


Visiting Scholar: Rebecca Cuddy, M茅tis multi-disciplinary artist and mezzo-soprano

Rebecca Cuddy joined the DAN School for a contracted residency. Rebecca worked with director Murdoch Schoen and digital designer A. Nascimento-Lajoie on The Maydee Box, an augmented reality (AR) installation for one viewer at a time. Individual audience members enter a space to find a cardboard box labelled 鈥淢e虂tis Stuff鈥. As objects are pulled out of the box, audience members used smartphones to view audio and visual animations that tell the stories of those objects. This work explores the intersection of live theatre, digital art, Cuddy鈥檚 Me虂tis heritage, and her beadwork and visual arts practice. The Maydee Box delves into sensitive material such as Indigenous identity, loss/grief, and Canada鈥檚 history. During her residency, Ms. Cuddy worked in The Art & Media Lab at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts, and engaged with students through presentations in several DRAM, MUSC, and MAPP courses, masterclasses, and open working sessions.


Faculty of Education

Visiting Scholar: Dr. Dennis Sumara, Professor, Language and Literacy Education, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

tracing 35 years of Dr. Sumara鈥檚 scholarly work in curriculum, teaching and learning with a focus on restorying for personal and social change.  Dr. Sumara narrates some of the complex ways remembered and forgotten experiences of learning, teaching, and schooling are inevitably shaped by heteronormativity. His interpretations are informed and maintained by an active resistance to how the subjects needed by those stories can lose track of their deferrals in ways that can reposition the normative within the counter normative.


Smith Engineering

Visiting Scholar: Dr. Amidou Sawadogo, Assistant Professor at the Institut des Sciences du Sport et du D茅veloppement Humain, Universit茅 Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, West Africa

Two graduate students (supervised by Dr. Sawadogo) from Joseph Ki-Zerbo University came to Queen鈥檚 January-June 2024 as visiting graduate students. Their visits were supported by the Global Affairs Canada International Scholarship Program and they are the first group of students from Burkina Faso being trained at Queen鈥檚. Dr. Sawadogo visited Queen鈥檚 while his students were here. This visit is an important activity of the newly established FEAS emerging cluster on Sustainable Engineering for Global Development. Dr. Sawadogo鈥檚 visit will strengthen an existing collaboration between Queen鈥檚 and Joseph Ki-Zerbo University to support research and both graduate and undergraduate education. Read more about the partnership on the .


Queen's Health Sciences

Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine

Visiting Scholar: Dr. Natasha Kyprianou, PhD, Professor, Departments of Urology and Oncological Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York, NY

Dr. Natasha Kyprianou is a leading expert on prostate, bladder, and kidney cancer. Her research focuses on dissecting the mechanisms of therapeutic resistance in advanced lethal cancers. Her discoveries include pioneering studies on the transforming growth factor, beta pathway and its role in endocrine regulated cell death and establishing the effects of microtubule-targeting chemotherapy on the androgen receptor in prostate cancer, which provided novel insights into therapeutic resistance. Her visit exposed Queen鈥檚 investigators to novel questions and approaches to cancer control while providing an excellent opportunity to establish new collaborative interactions.

Visiting Scholars: Dr. Nicole Campbell, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at Western University and Dr. Sarah McLean, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology at Western University

Drs. Campbell and McLean have significant and complementary experience and expertise in integrating principles of EDII-AA and embedding community-engaged learning into biomedical science curricula. They additionally share significant experience in group-based laboratory and flipped classroom/active learning.

were held during their visit such as joint seminars and workshops as well as meetings and working lunches.

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences  

Dr. Amin Soltani, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability, and a member of the Future Regions Research Center at Federation University, Australia. 

Faculty of Education  

Dr. Jan Hare is a leader in Indigenous education and is recognized internationally for her research and advocacy. Her visit to the Faculty brought her years of experience and innovative perspective to teacher candidates, graduate students, and faculty researchers, collaboratively sharing learning as educators of pre-service teachers, and supporting her ongoing collaborations with faculty members. 

Faculty of Health Sciences  

QHS Dean鈥檚 office and EDI office 

Jeffrey Kiyoshk Ross, Bachelor of Education (Lakehead University), Honors Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies and English Literature, Dual Concentration, (Laurentian University).


John (JC) Cowden, MD, MPH, Professor of Pediatrics Health Equity Integration Project Leader. Dr. Cowden is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and a general academic pediatrician at Children's Mercy Kansas City, where he formerly served as Medical Director of the Office of Equity and Diversity and now serves as Health Equity Integration Project Leader.

Critical Care Medicine

Gloria Vazquez-Grande, MD, FRCPC, PhD Medical Microbiology. Dr. Vazquez-Grande is a lecturer at the University of Manitoba, Critical Care Attending Physician, Organ Donation Specialist WRHA/Shared Health. Dr. Vazque-Grande is an incredibly successful researcher and has made a substantial impact during her first few years in practice.

Pathology and Molecular Medicine

Dr. Teresa Przytzcka PhD's is the Computational and Systems Biology Senior Investigator at the National Institutes of Health Research. Dr. Przytycka's research explores the dynamical properties of biological systems including spatial, temporal and contextual variations and explores how such variations impact gene expression, the functioning of biological pathways, and the phenotype of the organism.

School of Nursing, Queen's Collaboration for Health Care Quality: A JBI Centre of Excellence 

Zackery Munn, PhD, University of Adelaide. Dr. Munn is the Director of the Evidence-based Healthcare Research Division of JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute), Director of the JBI Adelaide GRADE Centre, Chair of the Guidelines International Network and an NHMRC Investigator. 

School of Rehabilitation Therapy

Orit Nuttman-Shwartz, Ph.D, MSW, GA Interim Dean at the School of Social Work, Sapir College, Israel. Prof. Nuttman-Shwartz is an Israeli trauma and resilience expert who has been researching and working with those who experience ongoing exposure to traumatic events.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 

Dr. Elizabeth Frates, B.A, M.D Assistant Professor, Harvard University. Elizabeth (Beth) Pegg Frates, MD is a pioneer in Lifestyle Medicine education, an award-winning teacher at Harvard, and currently works with patients to help them adopt and sustain healthy habits.

Smith School of Business 

Sumit Kunnumkal, associate professor at Indian Business School. Dr. Kunnumkal is currently collaborating with Smith faculty and Ph.D. students on the following two projects: 

  • Project A: Estimating consumer demand using bundle sales data, jointly with Xianfeng Meng (PhD), Guang Li, Anton Ovchinnikov, and Murray Lei. 
  • Project B: Near-optimal inventory planning in a newsvendor network with myopic order fulfillment, jointly with Guang Li and Murray Lei.