David Haglund

David Haglund



PhD (Johns Hopkins); BA (Ohio State)

Political Studies

International Relations



Phone: (613) 533-6231

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, C328

People Directory Affiliation Category

Research Interests

American foreign policy; transatlantic relations; Canada-US relations; Canadian foreign policy.

David Haglund would be interested in supervising graduate students in the areas of US foreign policy, Canada-US relations, and transatlantic security.  

Brief Biography

After receiving his Ph.D. in International Relations in 1978 from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, in Washington, D.C., David Haglund assumed teaching and research positions at the University of British Columbia.  In 1983 he came to Queen's.  From 1985 to 1995, and again from 1996 to 2002, he served as Director of the Queen鈥檚 Centre for International Relations (subsequently renamed the Queen鈥檚 Centre for International and Defence Policy).   From 1992 to 1996 he served as Head of the Department of Political Studies, and as Acting Head for the 2015-16 academic year.  He has held visiting professorships in France (at Sciences Po in Paris, at the French military academy 鈥 Saint Cyr-Co毛tquidan, and at l鈥橴niversit茅 Paris III/Sorbonne nouvelle); in Germany (at the Universit盲t Bonn, and the Friedrich-Schiller-Universit盲t Jena); in Ireland (at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin); and in the US (at Syracuse University and Dartmouth College).  From 2003 to 2012 he served as co-editor of the .


For detailed information about political studies courses and instructors, please refer to the Undergraduate and Graduate pages. 

Service (2024/2025)

  • Departmental Committee

Selected Publications

Sister Republics: Security Relations Between America and France (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2023). 

                    -"Roundtable Review," H-Diplo 15, 51 (5 July 2024). (View Article PDF)

(Editor and contributor) The Defence Industrial Base and the West (London: Routledge  Library Editions, Cold War Security Studies, 2022; orig. pub. 1989). ()

The US 鈥淐ulture Wars鈥 and the Anglo-American Special Relationship (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019). 

                    - "Roundtable Review," H-Diplo 21, 37 (20 April 2020). (View Article PDF)

Ethnic Diasporas and the Canada-United States Security Community: From the Civil War to Today (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015). (View Cover PDF)

                    - "Roundtable Review," H-Diplo 18, 8 (31 October 2016). (View Article PDF) 

(With Wesley Nicol) 鈥淢irror, Mirror, on the Wall: AUKUS and the Question of a 鈥楽pecial鈥 Canada-US Defence Relationship,鈥 in History Has Made Us Friends: Reflections on the 鈥淪pecial鈥 Relationship between Canada and the United States, ed. Donald E. Abelson and Stephen Brooks (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen鈥檚 University Press, 2024), pp. 277-97. (View Chapter PDF)

鈥淭he Political Scientist as Historian: Reflections on the Link between Culture, 鈥楽tatus Anxiety,鈥 and the American Decision for War, April 1917,鈥 in Locating the Transatlantic in Twentieth Century Politics, Diplomacy and Culture: Essays in Honour of Professor Alan Dobson, ed. Gaynor Johnson (London: Bloomsbury, 2024), pp. 15-29. (View Chapter Proofs PDF)

鈥淭he 鈥楰ingston Dispensation鈥 and the North American Stable Peace,鈥 in The Legacy of 9/11: Views from North America, ed. Andrea Charron, Alexander Moens, and St茅phane Roussel (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen鈥檚 University Press, 2023), pp. 83-95. 

(Editor and contributor) The Defence Industrial Base and the West (London: Routledge  Library Editions, Cold War Security Studies, 2022; orig. pub. 1989). ()

"Origins and Evolution of the North American Stable Peace,鈥 in the Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations, ed. T.V. Paul, Deborah Welch Larson, Harold A. Trinkunas, Anders Wivel, and Ralf Emmers (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), pp. 587-601. (View Chapter PDF)

鈥淭he Anglosphere: Rise and Demise of an Anglo-American Policy Idea,鈥 in Anglo-American Relations and the Transmission of Ideas, ed. Alan Dobson and Steve Marsh (Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2022), pp. 267-93 (View Chapter Proofs PDF).

鈥淣ATO鈥檚 鈥楳acronian鈥 Peril: Real or Exaggerated?鈥 in Transatlantic Relations: Challenge and Resilience, ed. Donald E. Abelson and Stephen Brooks (New York: Routledge, 2022), pp. 101-18.

鈥淭hree Strikes and You鈥檙e Out? Implications of 鈥楬yper-Globalisation,鈥 the New Cold War, and the Coronavirus for the Future of Multilateralism,鈥 in Routledge Handbook of Diplomacy and Statecraft, ed. Brian J. C. McKercher (London: Routledge, 2022), pp. 420-30 (View Chapter Proofs PDF).

(With John Erik Fossum) 鈥淗istorical Secession and Contemporary Integration 鈥 Norway鈥檚 Secession from Sweden 1905 and the Present Situation of European Integration,鈥 in Qualified Autonomy and Federalism versus Secession in EU Member States, ed. Annegret Eppler, Charlie Jeffery, and Stefan August L眉tgenau (Innsbruck: Studien Verlag, 2021), pp. 381-90.

鈥淧lus 莽a change? France and the Critique of America during the Trump Administration,鈥 in Foreign Perceptions of the United States under Donald Trump, ed. Gregory S. Mahler (New York: Lexington Books, 2021), pp. 75-88. (View Book CoverView Chapter PDF)

鈥淎merica鈥檚 Surprisingly 鈥楥onstrained鈥 Presidency: Implications for Transatlantic Relations,鈥 in Alliances and Power Politics in the Trump Era: America in Retreat?, ed. Maud Quessard,  Fr茅d茅ric Heurtebize, and Fr茅d茅rick Gagnon (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), pp. 15-32. (View Chapter Proofs PDF)

鈥淧ivoting from the 鈥楶ivot鈥 (to Asia)? US-European Strategic Relations after Obama,鈥 in Les 脡tats-Unis et la fin de la grande strat茅gie? Un bilan de la politique 茅trang猫re d鈥橭bama, 茅d. Maud Quessard and Maya Kandel (Paris: Institut de Recherche Strat茅gique de l鈥櫭塩ole Militaire, 2017), pp. 75-88. (View Chapter PDF) 

(With Surajreet Singh) 鈥淗appy Anniversary? Reflections on Samuel Huntington鈥檚  鈥楥lash鈥 Thesis at Thirty,鈥 International Journal 78, 4 (December 2023): 577-94. (View Article PDF)

鈥淚n for a Penny, in for a Pound: The Trouble with Offshore Balancing and Why It Matters that 鈥1917鈥 Was Not 鈥1941鈥,鈥 Comparative Strategy 42, 5 (September 2023): 693-717. (View Article PDF)

(With Jennie L. Schulze and Ognen Vangelov) 鈥淗ungary鈥檚 Slide toward Autocracy: Domestic and External Impediments to Locking-In Democratic Reforms,鈥 Political Science Quarterly 137, 4 (2022): 675-713. (View Article PDF)

鈥淥f Canaries and Ropes: Theoretical and Policy Dilemmas Stemming from Canada鈥檚 Huawei 5G Networks Saga,鈥 IdeAs: Id茅es d鈥橝m茅riques, special theme issue on 鈥淒茅fense et s茅curit茅 int茅rieure dans les Am茅riques,鈥 20 (2022): 1-17. (View Article PDF)

(With St茅phane Roussel) 鈥Les Perdants鈥: aux fondements historiques de la culture strat茅gique contemporaine de la soci茅t茅 Qu茅b茅coise,脡tudes Canadiennes/Canadian Studies, no. 91 (December 2021): 11-31. 

(With Marco Clementi, Andrea Locatelli, and Valentina Villa) 鈥淭he Guns of April: Status Anxiety as Motivation for Italian 鈥 Possibly Even American 鈥 Intervention in the First World War,鈥 Diplomacy & Statecraft 32, 3 (September 2021): 417-39. (View Article PDF)

                    - H-Diplo Article Review 1107 (11 May 2022) (View Review PDF)

鈥淐anada and Trump Revisited, Revisited,鈥 H-Diplo/ISSF Policy Series, April 2021, available at 

(With St茅phane Roussel) 鈥淔rom Parkman to Pearson: Historical Context and the Transformation of Quebec鈥檚 Strategic Culture,鈥 International Journal (published online in December 2020). (View Article PDF)

(With Elizabeth Stein) "Ethnic Diasporas and US Foreign Policy," Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science, rev. and updated 2020. (View Article PDF)

(With Maud Quessard) 鈥淗ow the West Was One: France, America, and the 鈥楬untingtonian Reversal鈥,鈥 Orbis 62 (Fall 2018): 557-81. (View Article PDF)

鈥淐anada and Donald Trump: A Midterm Reality Check,鈥 H-Diplo/ISSF Policy Series, July 2018, available at

(With Justin Massie) 鈥淭he French in the Heart of North America? 鈥楥ivilization Rallying,鈥 National Unity, and the Geopolitical Significance of 1917,鈥 Journal of Transatlantic Studies 16 (June 2018): 117-36. (View Article PDF)

(With Marco Clementi and Andrea Locatelli) 鈥淢aking America Grate Again: The 鈥業talianization鈥欌 of American Politics and the Future of Transatlantic Relations in the Era of Donald J. Trump,鈥 Political Science Quarterly 132 (Fall 2017): 495-525. (View Article PDF)

鈥淭he Paradigm that Dare Not Speak Its Name: Canadian Foreign Policy鈥檚 Uneasy Relationship with Realist IR Theory,鈥 International Journal 72 (June 2017): 230-42. (View Article PDF)

(With Deanna Soloninka) 鈥淲oodrow Wilson Still Fuels Debate on 鈥榃ho Lost Russia?鈥欌 Orbis 60 (Summer 2016): 433-52. (View Article PDF)

(With Justin Massie) 鈥淪outhern (Over) Exposure? Quebec and the Evolution of Canada鈥檚 Grand Strategy, 2002鈥2012,鈥 American Review of Canadian Studies 46 (June 2016): 233-53. (View Article PDF)

(With Jonathan Lu) "Jefferson in Montreal: The Unusual Intervention of a Long-Deceased American President into the Debate over Qu茅bec's Charter of Values," Qu茅bec Studies 60 (Fall/Winter 2015): 105-24. (View Article PDF)

(With Umut Korkut) 鈥淕oing Against the Flow: Sinn F茅in鈥檚 Unusual Hungarian 鈥楻oots鈥,鈥 International History Review 37 (January 2015): 41-58. (View Article PDF)

(With Michel Fortmann) 鈥淥f Ghosts and Other Spectres: The Cold War鈥檚 Ending and the Question of the Next 鈥楬egemonic鈥 Conflict,鈥 Cold War History 14 (November 2014): 515-32. (View Article PDF)

鈥淲hat Can Strategic Culture Contribute to Our Understanding of Security Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region?鈥 Contemporary Security Policy 35 (August 2014): 310-28. (View Article PDF)

(With Justin Massie) 鈥淯n poids d茅cisif? L鈥檌nfluence du Qu茅bec sur les interventions militaires canadiennes,鈥 Globe - Revue Internationale d鈥櫭塼udes Qu茅b茅coises 17, 2 (2014): 173-206. (View Article PDF)

鈥淥rders and Borders: Unipolarity and the Issue of Homeland Security,鈥 Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 18 (March 2012): 79-95. (View Article PDF)

(With Tyson McNeil-Hay) 鈥淭he 鈥楪ermany Lobby鈥 and U.S. Foreign Policy: What, if Anything, Does It Tell Us about the Debate over the 鈥業srael Lobby鈥?鈥 Ethnopolitics 10 (September-November 2011): 321-44. (View Article PDF)

鈥淧ensando lo imposible:   Why Mexico Should Be the Next New Member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,鈥 Latin American Policy 1, 2 (2010):  264-83. (View Article PDF)

鈥淗appy Days Are Here Again?  France鈥檚 Reintegration into NATO and Its Impact on Relations with the United States,鈥 European Security 19 (March 2010):  123-42. (View Article PDF)

Review of Clive Webb and Robert Cook, eds., 鈥淏ritish Attitudes towards the United States since 1941,鈥 Journal of Transatlantic Studies 18, 3 (September 2020): 13-17; online publication of 12 May 2023, available at 

Review of Christian Leuprecht and Hayley McNorton, Intelligence as Democratic Statecraft: Accountability and Governance of Civil-Intelligence Relations Across the Five Eyes Security Community 鈥 the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, in Canadian Journal of Political Science 56, 1 (March 2023): 245-47. (View Review PDF)

Review of Counterinsurgency Wars and the Anglo-American Alliance: The Special Relationship on the Rocks, by Andrew Mumford, H-Diplo/H-Net Reviews. (June 2018); available at