Lee, Boyoon

headshot Boyoon Lee

Boyoon Lee

Assistant Professor


PhD (Pennsylvania State University); MA (Pennsylvania State University); BA (Korea University)

Political Studies

Comparative Politics

Assistant Professor


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, C408

Boyoon Lee Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Comparative politics, particularly focusing on public opinion and the political economy of migration.

Brief Biography

My scholarship is situated in comparative politics, particularly focusing on public opinion and the political economy of migration. Specifically, I study the determinants of migration-related preferences and attitudes as well as how socio-economic inequality is intertwined with migration decisions and behaviors, with a regional focus on Asia and the Americas. Methodologically, my research employs various types of experiments and causal inference methods for observational data.

I am currently working on four major projects on the politics of immigration in East Asia and Latin America, which focus on (1) pathways through which political elites influence attitudes towards immigrants (e.g., educational content, political speech, historical narratives, and institutions), (2) sources of discrimination against migrants who share similar backgrounds (e.g., return migrants and co-ethnic migrants), (3) the link between migration and inequality (e.g., unequal impacts of climate change or the housing market), and (4) economic motivations behind migration preferences (e.g., firms' preferences).


For detailed information about political studies courses and instructors, please refer to the Undergraduate and Graduate pages. 

Maina, John

Department poster

John Maina

Doctoral Student

Political Studies

Doctoral Student


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, C309

Supervisor: Yolande Bouka





Kerr, Samuel

Department poster

Samuel Kerr

Doctoral Student

Political Studies

Doctoral Student


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, B305

Supervisors: Rachel Laforest, Jonathan Rose, and Kyle Hanniman





Jahan, Md Rakib

headshot of Md Rakib Jahan

Md Rakib Jahan

Doctoral Student

BA, World Religions and Culture (University of Dhaka) | MA, Religious Studies (Queen’s)

Political Studies

Doctoral Student


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, C313

Supervisor: Sté​fanie von Hlatky

Research Interests

My research interests in international relations center on the multidimensional dynamics of NATO policies in the Middle East. I am interested in NATO’s strategic decisions, military interventions, actions of coalition against ISIS and the impact of NATO's policies on local governance and civilian populations.

Brief Biography

Rakib Jahan is a doctoral student in the Department of Political Studies at Queen’s University where he will specialize in International Relations. Rakib is currently completing his MA in Religious Studies at Queen’s.


2023-2024: Queen’s Graduate Award, Queen’s University, SGS

2023-2024: International Tuition Award, Queen’s University, SGS

2022: The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Foundation Bangladesh

2012: President’s Scout Award, Bangladesh Scouts

Hughes, Michael

Headshot of Michael Hughes

Michael Hughes

Doctoral Student


BA Hons. Political Science, Hons. History (Saint Mary's) | MA Political Studies (³ÉÈË´óƬ)

Political Studies

Doctoral Student


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, C313

Supervisor: J. Andrew Grant

Research Interests

Humanitarian Intervention, Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, Constructivism, IR Theory.

Brief Biography

Michael is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Studies at ³ÉÈË´óƬ specializing in the area of norm development and contestation, genocide and humanitarian intervention, and analyzing the power and efficacy of humanitarian norms. Outside academia, Michael has extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector. He is currently a senior manager at a large not-for-profit and a founding partner of a not-for-profit governance consultancy. When not working or writing his dissertation, Michael can be found playing with his daughter Faye, walking his dog around the lake, or rolling dice at a nearby game of 40k.

Goodell Ugalde, Elliot

Photograph of Elliot Goodell Ugalde

Elliot Goodell Ugalde

Doctoral Student


B.A.H - Political Science (Victoria, 2022) | M.A. - Political Science [Political Theory] (McMaster, 2024)

Political Studies

Doctoral Student


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, C303

Supervisor: Wayne Cox


Brief Biography

Elliot Goodell Ugalde is a scholar and researcher specialising in international relations and political economy, with a focus on healthcare policy, Indigenous resurgence scholarship, and crisis theory economics. He has a wealth of experience working with both governmental and non-governmental bodies across Canada. Elliot has published several peer-reviewed articles and has presented his research at numerous academic conferences. Committed to community service, he also holds certifications in emergency management, Indigenous studies, and the economic impacts on developing countries. In his free time, Elliot enjoys painting, playing the drums, and writing political columns for various newspapers and publications.

Fawcett Smith, Kimberly

Photograph of Kimberly Fawcett Smith

Kimberly Fawcett Smith

Doctoral Student


BA (Carleton) | M. Architecture (U of Manitoba) | MA International Affairs (King's College London, UK)

Political Studies

Doctoral Student


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, B304

Supervisors: Wayne Cox and David Haglund

Research Interests

International Security, Great Power Politics, Canadian Defence and Foreign Policy, China/Russia Relations, Arctic Region, Diplomacy

Brief Biography

Kimberly is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Studies at ³ÉÈË´óƬ specializing in International Relations and Comparative Politics.  She graduated with merit from King's College London, UK with an MA in International Affairs (Espionage and Surveillance).   Kimberly is focusing her research on the emerging power conflict in the Arctic.


2024 R. Samuel McLaughlin Fellowship

2024 Queen's Graduate Award

2024 Faculty of Arts and Science Dean's Award for Social Justice

Eden, Zachary

Photo of Zachary Eden

Zachary Eden

Doctoral Student


BAH Political Science (Laurentian, 2019) | MA Political Studies (³ÉÈË´óƬ, 2020)

Political Studies

Doctoral Student


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, B308

Supervisors: David Haglund and Joel Sokolsky

Brief Biography

Zachary is a first year PhD student in the Department of Political Studies. He completed his honour’s B.A. at Laurentian University in Political Science and Religious Studies (2019), and his M.A. at Queen’s University in Political Studies (2020). During his time at Queen’s University, he participated in two exchange programs. His first exchange was with the Royal Military College of Canada (2019) where he focused on American Defense Policy. His second exchange was with the Universität der Bundeswehr München in Munich, Germany (2020) where he focused on International Relations. More specifically, his research focused on the role of Military Power in International Relations and the Psychology of Violence.

Research Interests

Zachary’s current research interests are the Liberal International Order (LIO), Canada-US Relations, Defense Studies, and Russia and China in International Security.


​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹Queen’s Graduate Award (2024)

R. Samuel McLaughlin Fellowship (2024)

Universität der Bundeswehr München Scholarship (2020)

Queen’s Graduate Award (2019-2020)

Huntington Bursary (2018)

Thorneloe Bursary (2018)


Teaching Assistant:

POLS 261 – International Politics (Fall 2019) – Queen’s University

SOCI 1015 – Understanding Society (2018-2019) – Laurentian University ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹

Afzaal, Maham

Photograph of Maham Afzaal

Maham Afzaal

Doctoral Student


MPP (2024), Hons. B.A. (2023)

Political Studies

Doctoral Student


Mackintosh-Corry Hall, C311

Supervisor: Yolande Bouka

Brief Biography 

Maham Afzaal is a doctoral student in the Department of Political Studies at Queen’s University studying International Relations. She received an MPP in Digital Society and an Hons. B.A in Economics (Specialist) with a minor in Political Science from McMaster University.

Maham’s previous research drew from Foucault’s conception of the panopticon to explore the bio-ethical and socio-political implications of employing proctoring AI technologies in undergraduate and secondary school settings, focusing on how potential racial and gendered biases in AI impact students belonging to minority groups. She is currently interested in researching topics in critical security studies informed by decolonial and feminist frameworks, utilizing inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches. 

In her free time, Maham takes an interest in game development and researching applications for gamified learning models. 

Research Interests

Critical security studies, Childhood studies, Historical injustice, Race, Gender, Philosophy of technology, AI ethics, Research ethics, Critical pedagogy, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Education policy 


Outstanding Student Performance Award in Digital Governance (McMaster, 2024)

Outstanding Student Performance Award in Product Management (McMaster, 2024) 

Outstanding Student Performance Award in Architectures of Digital Ecosystems (McMaster, 2023) 

Undergraduate Student Research Award (McMaster, 2022) 

Undergraduate Student Research Award (McMaster, 2021) 

Teaching Experience


POLS 284 (Queen’s, 2024) 

POLSCI 1AA3 (McMaster, 2023)