
Recent Publications:

Members of Dignam Group are in bold.

  1. Paul R. B. Hughes and Marc M. Dignam, Analytic solution to the nonlinear generation of squeezed states in a thermal bath, Submitted to Phys. Rev. A ( [quant-ph]).
  2. Hossein Seifoory and Marc M. Dignam, A general model of the generation and propagation of counterpropagating continuous variable entangled states in lossy waveguides, . ( [quant-ph])
  3. Colin Vendromin and Marc M. Dignam, Simple way to incorporate loss when modeling multimode-entangled-state generation, . ( [quant-ph]).
  4. Parvin Navaeipour and Marc M. Dignam, Effects of microscopic scattering on terahertz third harmonic generation in monolayer graphene, . ( [cond-mat.mes-hall])
  5. Angelika Seidl, Roozbeh Anvari, Marc M. Dignam, Peter Richter, Thomas Seyller, Harald Schneider, Manfred Helm, and Stephan Winnerl, Pump-induced terahertz anisotropy in bilayer graphene, . ( [cond-mat.mes-hall]).
  6. Roozbeh Anvari, Eugene Zaremba, Marc M. DignamThe impact of nitrogen doping on the linear and nonlinear terahertz response of graphene, ( [cond-mat.mes-hall]).
  7. Colin Vendromin and Marc M. DignamContinuous-variable entanglement in a two-mode lossy cavity: An analytic solution,  ().
  8. Alex Friedlan and Marc M. DignamValley-polarization in biased bilayer graphene using circularly polarized light, ( [cond-mat.mes-hall]).
  9. Colin Vendromin and Marc M. DignamOptimization of a lossy microring resonator system for the generation of quadrature-squeezed states,  ( [physics.optics])
  10. Hossein Seifoory, Luke G. Helt, J. E. Sipe, Marc M. Dignam, Counterpropagating continuous variable entangled states in lossy coupled-cavity optical waveguides, 100, 033839 (2019) ( [physics.optics])
  11. Luke G. Helt and Marc M. Dignam, The effect of microscopic scattering on the nonlinear transmission of terahertz fields through monolayer graphene, ( [cond-mat.mes-hall])
  12. Parvin Navaeipour and Marc M. DignamOptimized nonlinear terahertz response of graphene in a parallel-plate waveguide, .
  13. Hossein Seifoory and Marc M. DignamSqueezed-state evolution and entanglement in lossy coupled-resonator optical waveguides, .
  14. Parvin Navaeipour, Ibraheem Al-Naib, and Marc M. DignamThird harmonic terahertz generation from graphene in a parallel-plate waveguide, . (  [] )
  15. Riley McGouran and Marc M. DignamNonlinear response of biased bilayer graphene at Terahertz Frequencies, .
  16. Hossein Seifoory, Sean Doutre, Marc M. Dignam and J.E. Sipe, Squeezed thermal states: The result of parametric down conversion in lossy cavities,  (Editor鈥檚 Pick).
  17. A. Hafez, X. Chai, Y. Sekine, M. Takamura, K. Oguri, I. Al-Naib, M. M. Dignam, H. Hibino and T. Ozaki, Effects of environmental conditions on the ultrafast carrier dynamics in graphene revealed by terahertz spectroscopy, .
  18. M. Kamandar Dezfouli and M. M. DignamPhoton pair-generation in lossy coupled-resonator optical waveguides via spontaneous four-wave mixing, .
  19. Riley McGouran, Ibraheem Al-Naib, Marc M. DignamNonlinear response of bilayer graphene at terahertz frequencies, . ( ) [cond-mat.mes-hall]).
  20. Hassan Hafez, Pierre L茅vesque, Ibraheem Al-Naib, Marc M. Dignam, Xin Chai, Saman Choubak, Patrick Desjardins, Richard Martel, and Tsuneyuki Ozaki, Intense terahertz field effects on photoexcited carrier dynamics in gated graphene, .
  21. HadiRazavipour, Wayne Yang, AbdeladimGuermoune, Michael Hilke, David G. Cooke, Ibraheem Al-Naib, Marc M. Dignam, Francois Blanchard, Hassan A. Hafez, Xin Chai, Denis Ferachou, Tsuneyuki Ozaki, Pierre Levesque and Richard Martel, High field response of gated graphene at THz frequencies, .
  22. Ibraheem Al-Naib, J. E. Sipe and Marc M. Dignam, Nonperturbative model of harmonic generation in undoped graphene in the terahertz regime, .
  23. Ibraheem Al-Naib, Max Poschmann and Marc M. Dignam, Optimizing third harmonic generation at terahertz frequencies in graphene, .
  24. H. Hafez, I. Al-Naib, M. M. Dignam, Y. Sekine, K. Oguri, F. Blanchard, D. Cooke, S. Tanaka, F. Komori, H. Hibino, T. Ozaki,Nonlinear terahertz field-induced carrier dynamics in photoexcited epitaxial monolayer graphene, ) (Editor鈥檚 Suggestion).
  25. I. Al-Naib, Y. Yang, M. M. Dignam, W. Zhang, R. Singh, Ultra-high Q even eigenmode resonance in THz metamaterials, .

Selected Publications (2004-2014)

  1. Ibraheem Al-Naib, J. E. Sipe and Marc M. Dignam, High harmonic generation in undoped graphene: Interplay of inter- and intraband dynamics, .
  2. H. A. Hafez, I. Al-Naib, K. Oguri, Y. Sekine, M. M. Dignam, A. Ibrahim, D. G. Cooke, S. Tanaka, F. Komori, H. Hibino, and T. Ozaki, Nonlinear transmission of an intense terahertz field through monolayer graphene, .
  3. M. Kamandar Dezfouli, M. M. Dignam, M. J. Steel and J.E. Sipe, Heisenberg treatment of pair generation in lossy coupled-cavity systems, .
  4. Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli and Marc M. Dignam, Large Mode-Volume, Large Beta, Photonic Crystal Laser Resonator, .
  5. Xiaoli Lei, Dawei Wang, Zhaoxin Wu and M. M. Dignam, Optimizing biased semiconductor superlattices for terahertz amplification, .
  6. D. G. Cooke, P. Uhd Jepsen, Jun Yan Lek, Yeng Ming Lam, F. Sy and M. M. Dignam, Picosecond Dynamics of Internal Exciton Transitions in CdSe Nanorods,   (Rapid Communications).
  7. Ibraheem Al-Naib, Gargi Sharma, Marc M. Dignam, Hassan Hafez, Akram Ibrahim, David G. Cooke, Tsuneyuki Ozaki, and Roberto Morandotti, Effect of Local Field-Enhancement on the Nonlinear Terahertz Response of a Silicon-based Metamaterial, .
  8. A. M. Parks, M. M. Dignam, and D. Wang, Excitonic Analysis of Many-Body Effects on the 1s-2p Intraband Transition in Semiconductor Systems, .
  9. A. Joushaghani, R. Iyer, J. K. S. Poon, J. Stewart Aitchison, C. M. de Sterke, J. Wan and M. M. Dignam, Generalized Exact Dynamic Localization in Curved Coupled Optical Waveguide Arrays, .
  10. M. M. Dignam and M. Kamandar Dezfouli, Photon鈥換uantum-dot Dynamics in Coupled-Cavity Photonic Crystal Slabs, .
  11. Peijun Yao, A. Reza, C. Van Vlack, M.M. Dignam and S. Hughes, Ultrahigh Purcell Factors in Slow-Light Metamaterial Waveguides, (Editor鈥檚 Suggestion).
  12. A. Joushaghani, R. Iyer, J.K.S. Poon, J.S. Aitchison, C.M. de Sterke, J. Wan and M.M. Dignam, Quasi-Bloch Oscillations in Curved Coupled Optical Waveguides, .
  13. Dawei Wang and Marc M. Dignam, Excitonic Approach to the Ultrafast Optical Response of Semiconductor Quantum Wells,.
  14. A. Reza, M. M. Dignam and S. Hughes, Can Light be Stopped in Realistic Metamaterials?, .
  15. D. P. Fussell, S. Hughes and M. M. Dignam, The Influence of Fabrication Disorder on the Optical Properties of Coupled-Cavity Photonic Crystal Waveguides, .
  16. A. Lisauskas, M.M. Dignam, N.V. Demarina, Ernst Mohler, and H. Roskos, Examining the Terahertz Signal from a PhotoexcitedBiased Semiconductor Superlattice for Evidence of Gain, .
  17. D. P. Fussell and M. M. Dignam, Quasimode-Projection Approach to Quantum鈥揇ot鈥揚hoton Interactions in Photonic Crystal Slab Coupled-Cavity Systems, .
  18. Dawei Wang, Aizhen Zhang, Lijun Yang, and M. M. Dignam, Tunable Terahertz Amplification Using Excitonic States in Optically-Excited Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
  19. David P. Fussell and Marc M. Dignam, Quantum-Dot-Photon Dynamics in a Coupled-Cavity Waveguide: Observing BandedgeQuantum Optics, .
  20. Dawei Wang, Margaret Hawton and Marc M. Dignam, Excitonic Approach to the Ultrafast Optical Response of Semiconductors, .
  21. D. P. Fussell and M. M. Dignam, Spontaneous Emission in Coupled Microcavity-Waveguide Structures at the Band Edge, .
  22. David P. Fussell and Marc M. Dignam, Engineering the Quality Factors of Coupled-Cavity Modes in Photonic Crystal Slabs, .
  23. R. Iyer, J. S. Aitchison, J. Wan, M. M. Dignam and C. M. de Sterke, Exact Dynamic Localization in Curved AlGaAs Optical Waveguide Arrays, .
  24. D. P. Fussell, M. M. Dignam, M. J. Steel, C. Martijn de Sterke, and R. C. McPhedran, Spontaneous Emission and Photon Dynamics in Dielectric Microcavities, .
  25. M. M. Dignam, D. P. Fussell, M. J. Steel, R. C. McPhedran, and C. M. de Sterke, Spontaneous Emission Suppression via Quantum Path Interference in Coupled Microcavities, .
  26. Lijun Yang and M. M. Dignam, Nonlinear Ultrafast Optical Absorption and Pump-Probe Spectroscopy in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
  27. Lijun Yang and M. M. Dignam, Self-generated Bloch Oscillations in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
  28. Lijun Yang, Ben Rosam, and M. M. Dignam, Density-Dependent THz Emission in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices:  from Bloch Oscillations to Plasma Oscillations, .
  29. R. Fanciulli, A. M. Weiner, M. M. Dignam, D. Meinhold, and K. Leo, Coherent Control of Bloch Oscillations by Means of Optical Pulse Shaping, .
  30. Aizhen Zhang, Dawei Wang, and M. M. Dignam, Terahertz Gain in Optically-excited Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
  31. J. Wan, M. Laforest, C. M. de Sterke, and M. M. Dignam, Optical Filters Based on Dynamic Localization in Curved Coupled Optical Waveguides, .
  32. M. M. Dignam, M. Hawton, L. Yang, and B. Rosam, The Interplay of Intraband and Interband Polarization in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
  33. Ben Rosam, Lijun Yang, Karl Leo, and M. M. Dignam, Terahertz Generation by Difference Frequency Mixing of Excitonic Wannier-Stark Ladder States in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
  34. J. Wan, C. Martijn de Sterke, and M. M. Dignam, Dynamic Localization and Quasi-Bloch Oscillations in General Periodic ac-dc Electric Fields, .
  35. Lijun Yang, Ben Rosam, Jean-Marc Lachaine, Karl Leo, and M. M. Dignam, Intraband Polarization and THz Emission in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices with Full Excitonic Basis, .
  36. Aizhen Zhang and M. M. Dignam, Intraband Versus Interband Decoherence Times in Biased Semiconductor Superlattices, .
  37. J. Wan, P. Domachuk, M. M. Dignam, and C. Martijn de Sterke, Electron dynamics and dynamic localization in asymmetric periodic potentials, .