Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us about open house events, booking school and group tours,
or inquiring about astronomical events in the news or anything astro-related on your mind.

Contact Information

Queen's Observatory Co-ordinators: Akanksha Bij and Lawrence Faria
Email: | Phone: (613) 533-2711

Queen's Observatory
Ellis Hall (4th floor)*
58 University Ave
Kingston, ON
K7L 3N9

Mailing Address:
Queen's Observatory
The Department of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy
Stirling Hall
64 Bader Lane
Kingston, ON
K7L 3N6

*To get to the Observatory, enter the front doors of Ellis Hall and walk straight ahead to the stairs on your left. Take a right on the 2nd floor then up the stairs again to the 4th floor. When you exit the staircase, the Observatory Presentation Room (432) is at the end of the hallway on your right.

Interactive Campus Map of Ellis Hall

Google Map of Ellis Hall