Collective agreement
A collective agreement is a written contract between the university and a union that outlines many of the terms and conditions of employment for employees in a bargaining unit. The terms and conditions are reached through collective bargaining between the university and the union.
Collective bargaining
Collective bargaining is a process by which a committee representing the union (made up of employees and union representatives) and a committee representing the university (made up of management representatives and managerial employees) negotiate a collective agreement.
It can be for the negotiation of a first contract where there has not been a collective agreement previously, or a renewal contract in the case of an existing collective agreement. In this process, the parties usually focus on such issues as wages, benefits and working conditions.
With several certified bargaining units at Queen’s, collective bargaining is a normal part of the labour relations cycle.
Conciliation occurs following the submission of a request by the union or the university to the Ontario Ministry of Labour to appoint a conciliator to serve as a neutral third party to help the parties resolve their differences. The parties can also file a joint request to appoint a conciliation officer.
A request for conciliation is a common occurrence during collective bargaining.
An initial meeting with the conciliator must occur before the union can be in a position to engage in a legal strike, or the university can be in a legal position to lock-out employees in the bargaining unit.
What if the university and the union do not reach agreement during conciliation?
If a collective agreement has not been reached after the initial meeting with the conciliator, either party may request that the Minister issue a “No Board” report. While the Minister has the option at this point to appoint a Conciliation Board instead, this practice is rare, and most often the Minister will confirm that no such Board is to be appointed. The 17th calendar day after the date of the No Board report becomes the “strike deadline” date – on or after that date, the union is legally allowed to call a strike, and the university is legally allowed to lock-out employees in the bargaining unit.
No Board Report
If requested by either party, the Minister of Labour may issue what is known as a “No Board” report. While the Minister has the option to appoint a Conciliation Board instead, this practice is rare.
The No Board Report, from the time it is issued, starts a 17-day countdown to the legal strike date. This does not mean a strike will occur, as the parties can continue to meet and negotiate during this period, but on or after that date the union is legally allowed to call a strike, and the university is legally allowed to lock-out employees in the bargaining unit.
As bargaining discussions evolve it may become necessary to provide appropriate details on a potential labour disruption. In these instances, the University will provide additional information on this site as needed and in advance of a legal strike taking place.
The Labour Relations Act defines a strike as “a cessation of work, refusal to work or to continue to work, by employees in combination or in concert or in accordance with a common understanding, or slow-down or other concerted activity on the part of employees designed to restrict or limit output.”
Tentative agreement
A tentative agreement means the university’s and the union’s negotiating teams have agreed to the terms of a collective agreement, but the terms have not yet been agreed to (“ratified”) by the bargaining unit members or the university’s governing body.
- Ratification by the union is the process by which members of the bargaining unit vote to accept or reject the terms of the collective agreement that the university and union have negotiated. The ratification vote happens at the end of collective bargaining, after the university and the union have reached a tentative agreement.
All members of the bargaining unit have the right to vote. Each person gets one vote. The vote must be conducted by secret ballot. The collective agreement is considered “ratified” by the bargaining unit if a majority (50% +1) of those voting accept the terms of the tentative collective agreement.
A collective agreement is ratified by the university, when the tentative agreement is approved by the Human Resources sub-committee of the Board of Trustees.
Once both parties have ratified the tentative collective agreement, it is finalized and implemented.