The following institutional agreements were either newly established or renewed in the first two months of 2023. Queen's looks forward to many years of fruitful engagement with the following partners.

(India): Memorandum of Understanding (Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

(Thailand): Memorandum of Understanding (Faculty of Education)

(Morocco): Exchange Agreement (Faculty of Arts and Science and Smith School of Business, Commerce)

(Japan): Letter of Agreement (Faculty of Education)

(Indonesia): Letter of Agreement (Faculty of Education)

(China): Exchange Agreement (Faculty of Education)

(Colombia): Exchange Agreement (Smith, Commerce)

(Indonesia): Exchange Agreement (Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)

(Finland): Exchange Agreement (Faculties of Education, Arts and Science, and Law)

(Australia): Exchange Agreement (FAS, FEAS, Law, Smith)

(China): Study Abroad Agreement (Bader, FAS, FEAS)

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