Ronald L. Watts Collection

This is the collection of publications authored by Professor Ronald L. Watts during his tenure at the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations.  Please see Working Papers for his collection there.


Title Author/Editor Year
A Life Dedicated to Public Service - Ronald L. Watts, C.C. 1929 -2015 Edited by John R. Allan 2015
The Federal Idea - Essays in Honour of Ronald L. Watts [PDF 3.9 MB] Edited by Thomas J. Courchene, John R. Allan, Christian Leuprecht & Nadia Verrelli 2011
Comparing Federal Systems, 3rd edition [PDF 1.1 MB] Ronald L. Watts 2008
The Federal Idea ands its Contemporary Relevance - Lecture (published in house) [190 KB] Ronald L. Watts 2007
The Impact of Global and Regional Integration on Federal Systems: A Comparative Analysis - Part 1 [PDF 6.6 MB]
The Impact of Global and Regional Integration on Federal Systems: A Comparative Analysis - Part 2 [PDF 5.6 MB]
Harvey Lazar, Hamish Telford and Ronald L. Watts 2003
Comparaison Des R茅gimes F茅d茅raux: Deuxi猫me 脡dition [PDF 695 KB] Ronald L. Watts 2002
Comparing Federal Systems 2nd Edition [PDF 11.1] Ronald L. Watts 1999
The Spending Power in Federal Systems: A Comparative Study (English) [PDF 3.0 MB]
The Spending Power in Federal Systems: A Comparative Study (French) [PDF 3.5 MB]
Ronald L. Watts 1999
Comparing Federal Systems in the 1990s (English) [PDF 9.2 MB] Ronald L. Watts 1998
Comparaison des r茅gimes f茅d茅raux des ann茅es 1990s [PDF 4.7MB] Ronald L. Watts 1998
Research Paper 28: Parallel Accords: The American Precedent [PDF 2.7 MB] Ronald L. Watts, Darrel R. Reid and Dwight Herperger 1990
Research Paper 26: Executive Federalism: A Comparative Analysis [PDF 1.0 MB] Ronald L. Watts 1989
Administration in Federal Systems [3.5 MB] Ronald L. Watts 1969