Toby James Picture

Toby James


Politics and Public Policy

Fellow, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations

University of East Anglia

People Directory Affiliation Category

 is Professor of Politics and Public Policy at the University of East Anglia in the UK and fellow with the Queen鈥檚 Institute for Intergovernmental Relations (IIGR).  He is also the co-Director of the  and Editor in Chief of the journal  

His research focuses on concepts of democracy, electoral integrity and applied policy solutions to improving the quality of elections.   He work also covers politics, political leadership the policy making process more generally.   

He is the author or co-editor of eight books, including:  (Routledge, 2020), (Routledge, 2022) and  (International IDEA, 2023)

Toby has written commissioned policy reports for national and international organisations, and collaborated with organisations such as International IDEA, Venice Commission, IFES, the Carter Center, Westminster Foundation for Democracy and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.  He has regularly given invited evidence to many Parliamentary committees.  His research has been externally funded by the British Academy, Leverhulme Trust, AHRC, ESRC, Nuffield Foundation, SSHRC, Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and the McDougall Trust.   
