Alexandra Green Phot0

Alexandra Green

War Studies PhD Student

Royal Military College of Canada

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Alexandra Green is pursuing a PhD in War Studies at the Royal Military College of Canada. Her anticipated thesis topic is in cyber terrorism. Alexandra is also a graduate of Carleton University鈥檚 Masters of Infrastructure Protection and International Security (IPIS) Program where she was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grant to fund her research into target selection and extremism. During her undergraduate at Queen鈥檚 University she was awarded an undergraduate fellowship, the John Rae award, the Women in Defence and Security Scholarship, the Chancellor鈥檚 Scholarship, and was placed on the Dean鈥檚 List with Distinction. She has been engaged in research projects on: border security, terrorist resourcing, countering violent extremism, policing, and critical infrastructure. She has been published in the Journal of Money Laundering Control and in the SERENE-RISC digest.