Tracy Beck Fenwick

Tracy Beck Fenwick

Director, Australian Centre for Federalism

Associate Professor of Politics and I.R.

Australian National University

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Tracy Beck Fenwick is the Director, of the Australian Centre for Federalism and an Associate Professor in the School of Politics and I.R. at the Australian National University. Tracy is an expert in comparative federalism and social policy implementation. She has previously held visiting appointments at the University of British Columbia, McGill University, Universidad de San Martin (Argentina), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), and at the Fundac茫o Getulio Vargas (FGV-SP). Tracy was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Saskatchewan. She has worked recently as a consultant and advisor on federalism and social protection policy to the World Bank, UNICEF, national governments and NGOs. She completed her doctorate specializing in Comparative Politics at the University of Oxford, U.K. in 2009 (St. Anthony's College). She holds a M.A. in Comparative Politics and a B.A. in Latin American Studies and Economics from McGill University, Canada. She edited "Beyond Autonomy: Practical and Theoretical Challenges to 21st Century Federalism" with Andrew Banfield (2021) and published a single-authored book: (2016) "Avoiding Governors: Federalism, Democracy, and Poverty Alleviation in Brazil and Argentina." Notre Dame Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.  She also recently published in Publius (2021); Policy and Society (2018); Policy Studies (2017); Global Social Policy (2022; 2013), the Journal of Politics in Latin America (2010), and in the Latin American Research Review (2009). Tracy is currently working on a collaborative international project about why constituent units both abdicate and delegate their authority to the federal centre.

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