Director Christian Leuprecht and Desmond Barton in the Toronto Star 21 July 2020

Huawei is unapologetic about its direct implication in the ascendancy and consolidation of authoritarian powers. Its technology is demonstrably being used to undermine democracy, enable espionage, and empower serious human-rights abusers on a global scale, write Christian Leuprecht and Desmond Barton. This article initially appeared in a print edition of the Toronto Star. 

Christian Leuprecht is class of 1965 professor in leadership at the Royal Military College, cross-appointed to Queen鈥檚 University (Director of the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations), and Munk Senior Fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute.  His latest book is Public Security in Federal Polities.  

Desmond Barton is his research assistant at Queen鈥檚 University, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations.

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