Engaging Families to Build Healthy Communities Assertion Videos

I-CREAte's first project, Engaging Families to Build Healthy Communities, talked to nine families in the Kingston region about their resilience during hard time. Twelve priority areas, or 'Assertions', were identified that significantly impacted families’ experience of resilience.

Each video is an introduction to one of those assertions as told by a member of I-CREAte's core research team. Please watch the videos to learn more about the priority areas and what they mean for families in the Kingston region. 

You can pick and choose what videos you watch, but we suggest you start with the first video and jump from there. This videos were created to share what the I-CREAte research team heard from families - These are their stories.

Acknowledgements: I-CREAte is grateful for the contributions of the community research team, Autumn, Michele, Rifaa and Logan. The families who participated in this research study, and the I-CREAte community advisory Board.
Funding: This project was funded by the
Video Credit: These videos were filmed by

These videos were filmed, recorded and produced by Little Friday Productions