Dr. Laurent Godin, PhD

Dr. Laurent Godin

Office Bruce 523
Email godinl@queensu.ca
Website Queen’s Tectonics Research Laboratory
Mailing Address

Department of Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering, Miller Hall, ³ÉÈË´óƬ, Kingston Ontario, K7L 3N6


Professor Laurent Godin specializes in structural geology and continental tectonics, with a special focus on the evolution of orogenic belts, namely the Himalayan-Tibet. He is also interested by the application of centrifuge analogue modelling, U-Th/Pb petrochronology, and thermochronology to continental tectonics. In addition to mountain belt research, he is involved in projects focusing on seismicity and stress partitioning in continental interiors, basement fault reactivation, investigation of Early Archean geology, and application of structural geology to mineral exploration programs. He has served on the NSERC Discovery Grant Committee both as a member and co-chair and was Scientific Editor for from 2017-2020.

Supervising Information

  • Taylor Morell (PhD; 2022-in progress): Upper plate expression of reactivated basement structures during orogenesis: A multi-orogen comparison
  • Michelle Pearce (MSc; 2023-in progress): Numerical stress modelling of Himalayan seismicity and cross-strike faults

I am always looking for highly-motivated and qualified students wishing to pursue MSc or PhD degrees. If interested, contact directly.

Research Interests/Current Research

  • Structural geology and continental tectonics

  • Evolution of orogenic belts / Himalayan tectonics

  • Analogue and numerical modelling of deformation processes

  • Seismicity of continental interiors

Professional Associations

  • Geological Association of Canada

  • American Geophysical Union

  • Geological Society of America

Publications (since 2013; students in bold, Complete list )

Godin, L., Crilly, B., Schoenbohm, L. and Wolpert, J., 2023. . Geomorphology, p.108781.

Duvall, M., Waldron, J., Godin, L., Najman, Y., and Copley, A., in press. Basin Research.

Godin, L., Ahenda, M., Grujic, D., Stevenson, R., and Cottle, J., 2021. . Geosphere, v. 17(2), 626-646.

Duvall, M., Waldron, J., Godin, L., and Najman, Y., 2020. . Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, v. 117(30), 17615-17621. ** Winner of the 2021 Elliot Best Paper award, given by the Structural Geology & Tectonics Division of the Geological Association of Canada **

Braden, Z., Godin, L., Kellett, D. A. and Yakymchuk, C., 2020. . Tectonophysics, v. 774, 228246.

Ma, S., Kellett, D. A., Godin, L., and Jercinovic, M. J. 2020, . Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 57, 725-746.

Soucy La Roche, R. and Godin, L., 2019. . Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

Soucy La Roche, R., Godin, L., Cottle, J.M. and Kellett, D.A., 2019. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 37(2), pp.239-269.

Godin, L., Soucy La Roche, R., Waffle, L., and Harris, L. B., 2019. In Crustal Architecture and Evolution of the Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Orogen. R. Sharma, I. M. Villa, & S. Kumar, (eds.), Geological Society, London, Special Publication 481.

Braden, Z., Godin, L., Cottle, J., and Yakymchuk, C., 2018. Geology, v. 46, p. 503-506.

Soucy La Roche, R., Godin, L., Cottle, J., and Kellett, D., 2018. Tectonics, v. 37, p. 1161-1193. DOI: 10.1002/2017TC004847. Winner of the 2018 Dave Elliott Prize for Best Paper, selected by the Canadian Tectonics Group Division of the Geological Association of Canada.

Ma, S., Kellett, D.A., and Godin, L., 2018. Structural style and timing of deformation on the Bathurst Fault (eastern Slave craton): Implications for basement fault-controlled fluid pathways; in Targeted Geoscience Initiative – 2017 Report of Activities, (ed.) N. Rogers; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8358, p. 79-97. doi:10.4095/299573.

Soucy La Roche, R., Godin, L., and Crowley, J.L. 2017. . Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 130 (5-6), p. 1041-1056. DOI: 10.1130/B31799.1.

Tschirhart, V.L., Potter, E.G., Kellett, D.A., Ma, S., Godin, L., Pana, D., and Atkinson, N., 2017. Fingerprinting fertile fluid corridors in the formation of unconformity-related deposits using non-traditional isotopes; in Targeted Geoscience Initiative – 2016 Report of Activities, (ed.) N. Rogers; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8199, p. 91-93. doi:10.4095/299573.

Dalrymple, R. W. and Godin, L. 2017. . Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 87, p. 517-522

Braden, Z., Godin, L., and Cottle, J. 2017. Lithos, v. 284-285, p. 751-765.

Najman, Y., Jenks, D., Godin, L., Parrish, R., Hortswood, M., Green, O., Bown, P., Garzzanti, E., and Willems, H., 2017. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 459, p. 301-310.

Kellett, D. A. & Godin, L., 2016. GAC/MAC 2017 Geoscience Canada, no.12, v. 43, p. 287-289.

Soucy La Roche, R., Godin, L., Cottle, J. and Kellet, D. 2016. . Geology, v. 44, p. 403-406.

Waffle, L., Godin, L., and Harris, L. B., 2016. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 86, p. 181-199.

Gibson, R., Godin, L., Kellett, D., Cottle, J., and Archibald, D., 2016. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 128, p. 860-878.

Nagy, C., Godin, L., Antolín, B., Cottle, J., and Archibald, D., 2015. Lithosphere, v. 7, p. 483-502.

Dieng, S., Kyser, K., and Godin, L., 2015. Economic Geology, v. 110(1), p. 209-240. 

Carosi, R., Gemignanni, L., Godin, L., Iaccarino, S., Larson, K., Montomoli, C. and Rai, S. 2014. In: (Eds.) Chiara Montomoli, Rodolfo Carosi, Rick Law, Sandeep Singh, and Santa Man Rai, Geological field trips in the Himalaya, Kar¬akoram and Tibet, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, volume 47, paper 7.

Godin, L. and Harris, L. B., 2014. Geophysical Journal International, v. 198, 198-215. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu131.

Antolin, B., Godin, L.,  Wemmer, K., and Nagy, C., 2013. Terra Nova, v. 25, p. 282–291.

Snelling, P.E, Godin, L., and McKinnon, S.M., 2013. . International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, v. 58, p. 166-179, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2012.10.005

Dieng, S., Kyser, K., and Godin, L., 2013. Precambrian Research. v. 224, p. 316-340, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.09.011. 

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