Dr. Jennifer Day

PhD, PEng (ON, NB), PGeo (ON, NB)

Dr. Jennifer Day

Office Miller 228
Phone 613-533-6183
Email day.jennifer@queensu.ca

Dr. Jennifer (Jenn) Day is a Geological Engineer and is registered as a Professional Engineer (PEng) in Ontario and New Brunswick and a Professional Geoscientist (PGeo) in Ontario and New Brunswick. Before joining the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at Queen’s, Jenn spent three years as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences (cross-appointed to Civil Engineering) at the University of New Brunswick. She is currently President of the , Chair of the of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, and Chair of .

Jenn specializes in rock engineering, geomechanics, and characterization of heterogeneous rocks and rockmasses.

Research Interests and Current Research

My research interests are based in rock mechanics, including the geological and engineering characterization of heterogeneous rock and rockmass systems, improved laboratory and field assessment techniques for rock characterization, advanced numerical modelling for analysis of mechanical behaviour of complex ground conditions, rock engineering for underground excavation and open pit mine slope stability, and investigating linkages between engineering geology characterization and ore body genesis and evolution. This work is applicable to several fields, including mining, tunnelling, and deep geological repositories for nuclear waste storage.

I am also developing a new research area that is focused on investigating the stability shoreline geological formations in popular areas for geotourism, the effects of climate change on the geomechanics and instability potential of these formations, and associated risks to public safety.

Interested and motivated students are encouraged to get in touch to discuss potential opportunities for research projects.

Find my publications on  and .

Supervising Information

List of Supervised Students

Note: (cs) = co-supervised

PhD Students
T. Packulak

Shear behaviour in foliated rocks

2018-present (cs)

MSc/MASc Students
E. Malicki  Numerical modelling of foliated rocks 2023-present  
E. Dowling Stratigraphy of Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park 2022-present  
E. Castillo Cardona UAV-based photogrammetry and LiDAR at White Canyon 2022-present (cs)  
É. Gagnon The many faces of calcite in hydrothermal vein geomechanics 2021-present  
A. Hyslop Shoreline geomechanics and risk of sea stacks and shore stacks 2021-present  

N. MacDonald

A Critical Laboratory Investigation of Multi-Stage Direct Shear Testing Procedures on Rock Joints Using Synthetic Replica Specimens 2019-2022
G. Rudderham Geomechanics of hydrothermal veins: Insights from laboratory direct shear and numerical triaxial experiments 2019-2022
M. Clark

Geomechanics and mineralogical characterization of intact heterogeneous rocks from the Legacy skarn deposit

Won 2020 MS Thesis Award from American Rock Mechanics Association 

J. Gonzalez (UNB) Orebody evaluation of Trevali’s Heath Steele West Deposit

2018-19 (cs)

M. Ahmed Labeid Improvement of Laboratory Protocols for Discontinuity Geomechanical Characterization and Investigation of the Effect of Saturation on Granite Strength 2017-19 (cs)
T. Packulak Laboratory Investigation of Shear Behaviour in Rock Joints Under Varying Boundary Conditions 2016-18 (cs)
Undergraduate Students
C. Teodoro-Neville Geological influences on rock performance 2023
S. Woodland Strain measurement of Brazilian tensile strength tests 2022-23
M.-H. Lapointe Variability of coastal sea stack formations 2022-23
E. Dowling (BSc Honour’s Thesis) Geochemistry of quartz veins from Mispec Bay area, Saint John, NB 2021-22 (cs)
T. Yates Cultural Perspectives on Sea Stacks: Investigating Human Values and Safety risks in a Tourism Context 2021
W. Hoyle Challenges with direct shear testing; Geological engineering outreach 2021
S. Koch Hands on tools for geological engineering education 2021 (cs)
D. Privé NSERC USRA: Global trends of sea stack geology and geomorphology 2020
A. Hyslop Structural characterization of failed Elephant Rock, Hopewell Rocks, NB 2019
B. Wilson Formation of hydrothermal veins in field & lab 2019
N. Lemoine

Changes in FOS of an upstream tailings dam

N. MacDonald Numerical simulations of geomechanical lab tests for veined rock 2018
G. Rudderham

3D printing applications for vein geomechanics

B. Ko (BSc Honours) Thermal rock properties for geotechnical design of deep geological repository excavations 2017-18
J. Cormier Applied geotechnics and slope stability assessment


Research Affiliations and Professional Associations

Research Affiliations

Current Professional Activities

  • President, Canadian Rock Mechanics Association, January 2022-present
  • Chair, RockEng22, 22nd Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, taking place in August 2022
  • Chair, Rock Mechanics Division, Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS), January 2021-present

Professional Associations

  • Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), Professional Engineer (PEng)
  • Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists New Brunswick (APEGNB), Professional Engineer (PEng) and Professional Geoscientist (PGeo)
  • Association of Professional Geoscientists Ontario (PGO), Professional Geoscientist (PGeo)
  • Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS), Member
  • American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA), Member and Future Leader
  • Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS), Member & Rock Mechanics Division Chair
  • Canadian Rock Mechanics Association (CARMA), Member & Executive Committee Member
  • International Association for Engineering Geology (IAEG), Member
  • International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM), Member
  • Tunnelling Association of Canada (TAC), including the Young Members’ Group, Member



Richard Wolters Prize, International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment
1st and only Canadian, 3rd female recipient in award’s history (since 1988). For meritorious scientific achievement by a young engineering geologist (age<35); National nomination & presentation contest.


Golden Apple Teaching Award, Engineering Society, Queen’s University
Top honour from students for consistently superior teaching & individual concern for students.

2019  Best Paper Award (Clark, Day & Diederichs), Mining Track, 53rd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association, New York, NY
2017 Dr. N.G.W. Cook Award for Best PhD Dissertation in rock mechanics or rock engineering in North America, American Rock Mechanics Association
2014 Dan Eisenstein Memorial Scholarship Award for Research, Tunnelling Association of Canada


Ph.D.    Geological Engineering, Queen’s University, 2016

Thesis: The Influence of Healed Intrablock Rockmass Structure on the Behaviour of Deep Excavations in Complex Rockmasses

Available at: 

B.A.  Music, Queen’s University, 2012
B.Sc. Geological Engineering, Geotechnical Option, Queen’s University, 2011


Note: Underlined names are students/HQP who are supervised or co-supervised by me.

Fully Refereed Book Chapters (2)

  1. Hutchinson, J., Diederichs, M.S., Walton, G., Day, J.J., Langford, C., Vazaios, I., Palleske, C., Delaloye, D., Duran, F., van der Pouw Kraan, M., and O'Connor, S. 2017. Ch 2.1 - Rockmass behaviour characterization and optimal use of existing data to develop representative models. Pg 14-19. In S.U.M.I.T Program Journal. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, 112p.
  2. Diederichs, M.S., Hutchinson J., Walton, G., Day, J.J., Langford, C., Vazaios, I., Palleske, C., Delaloye, D., Duran, F., van der Pouw Kraan, M., and O'Connor, S.  2017. Ch2.3 - Automated Characterization and Change Detection Within 3D Digitally Scanned Virtual Excavation Boundary and Borehole Models to Quantify Rockmass Deformation Response to Mining Over Time. Pg 24-26. In S.U.M.I.T Program Journal. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, 112 pages.

Fully Refereed International Journal Publications (11)

  1. Day JJ. 2022. Transformation of geological sciences and geological engineering field methods course to remote delivery using manual, virtual, and blended tools in fall 2020. Joint Special Issue on Virtual Geoscience Education Resources, Geoscience Communication, 5: 381-395. 
  2. Packulak, T.R.M.Day, J.J., and Diederichs, M.S. 2022. Enhancement of Constant Normal Stiffness Direct Shear Testing Protocols for Determining Geomechanical Properties of Fractures. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Just-IN. .
  3. Packulak, T.R.M.Day, J.J.Labeid, M.T.A., and Diederichs, M.S. 2021. New data processing protocols to isolate fracture deformations to measure normal and shear joint stiffness. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, ARMA Special Issue (invited), 20p. DOI: .
  4. Diederichs, M.S. and Day, J.J. 2021. An illustrative study of the potential sensitivity of predicted long-term EDZ development, to internal fabric of argillaceous limestone. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, ARMA Special Issue (invited), 15p. DOI: .
  5. Clark, M. D. and Day, J. J. 2021. Mineralogical implications for geotechnical properties of intact heterogeneous and veined rocks from the Legacy skarn deposit. Engineering Geology, 285, 21p. DOI: .
  6. Day, J. J. 2019. Brittle overbreak prediction for hydrothermal complex rockmasses with healed structure. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 20 pages. DOI: 
  7. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2019. Composite Geological Strength Index approach with application to hydrothermal vein networks and other healed intrablock structures in complex rockmasses. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 30 pages. DOI: 
  8. Packulak, T.R.M.Day, J. J., and Diederichs, M. S. 2018. Assess: The role of rock direct shear testing in determining geomechanical properties of fractures. Tunnels and Tunnelling, Feb-Mar: 32-36.
  9. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2017. New direct shear testing protocols and analyses for fractures and healed intrablock rockmass discontinuities. Engineering Geology, 229: 53‑72. DOI: 
  10. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2015. Optimization of structural contact stiffness and strength for discrete simulation of progressive failure of healed structure. Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 8(5): 414-420. DOI: .
  11. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S. and Hutchinson, D. J. 2015. Common Core: Core logging procedures for characterization of complex rockmasses as input into geomechanical analysis for tunnel design. Tunnels and Tunnelling, 1: 26-32.

Fully Refereed Papers Published in Conference Proceedings (35)

  1. Hyslop ADay JJ, Kruse S, Snair K. 2022. Numerical failure prediction of the Sentinel sea stack formation at Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park with input from UAV-based photogrammetry and erosion records. GeoCalgary2022, the 75th Canadian Geotechnical Society Annual Conference.
  2. Packulak TRMDay JJ, Diederichs MS. 2022. Examination of the variation in intact material geomechanical properties on anisotropic rock materials. GeoCalgary2022, the 75th Canadian Geotechnical Society Annual Conference.
  3. Gagnon ÉDay JJ. 2022. Vein genesis and the emergent geomechanical behaviour of numerically simulated intact veined rock specimens under uniaxial compression. GeoCalgary2022, the 75th Canadian Geotechnical Society Annual Conference.
  4. Packulak TRDay JJ, Diederichs MS. 2022. Tensile strength of anisotropic rocks from enhanced Brazilian laboratory testing and data analysis protocols. EUROCK 2022 Conference, Helsinki.
  5. Hoyle WRHyslop A, Snair K, Day JJ. 2022. Back analysis of September 5th, 2021 rockfall near Lover’s Arch, Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park, NB. Geohazards VIII Conference, Quebec City, QC.
  6. Hyslop ADay JJ, Kruse S, Snair K. 2021. A geological and geotechnical interpretation of the 2016 Elephant Rock failure in Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park, New Brunswick. GeoNiagara: Creating a Sustainable and Smart Future, Canadian Geotechnical Society Annual Conference, 26-29 September 2021.
  7. MacDonald NDay JJ, Diederichs MS. 2021. A critical review of multi-stage direct shear testing for rock joints. GeoNiagara: Creating a Sustainable and Smart Future, Canadian Geotechnical Society Annual Conference, 26-29 September 2021.
  8. Packulak TRDay JJ. 2021. Comparison of corrected joint normal and shear stiffness between crystalline and carbonate rock joints. GeoNiagara: Creating a Sustainable and Smart Future, Canadian Geotechnical Society Annual Conference, 26-29 September 2021.
  9. Day JJ. 2021. How to incorporate variability of rockmass structures into equivalent continuum numerical models using the Composite Geological Strength Index. Rocscience International Conference, The Evolution of Geotech: 25 Years of Innovation, 20-21 April 2021.
  10. Day, J. J.,Clark, M.D., Rudderham, G.A. 2020. Where geology meets engineering in hydrothermally altered environments: considering veins in geotechnical engineering. MassMin 2020: 8th Intl. Conference on Mass Mining, Santiago, Chile, 4-7 Oct [oral presentation].
  11. Diederichs, M.S., Day, J.J. 2020. Sensitivity of long term EDZ development, around deep geological repositories, to internal structure of argillaceous limestones. 54th U.S. Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA, Golden, CO, USA, 28 June – 1 July, 2020 [no presentation due to COVID-19].
  12. Packulak, T.Labeid, M.A.Day, J.J., Diederichs, M.S. 2020. Data processing for joint normal and shear stiffness to eliminate influences of the surrounding rock and laboratory machine. 54th U.S. Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA, Golden, CO, USA, 28 June – 1 July, 2020 [no presentation due to COVID-19].
  13. Clark, M.D. and Day, J. J. 2019. Sample selection guidelines for unconfined compressive laboratory tests in hydrothermally veined rockmasses. Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference, GeoStJohn’s, St. John’s, NF, Canada, 10 pages [oral presentation].
  14. Day, J. J., and Clark, M. D. 2019. Accounting for intrablock structures at rockmass and laboratory specimen scales. Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference, St. John’s, NF, Canada, 7 pages [oral presentation].
  15. Packulak, T.R., Diederichs, M.S., and Day, J. J. 2019. Evaluating characterization methods of joint surface roughness to improve preliminary strength estimates of rock joints. Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference, GeoStJohn’s 2019, St. John’s, NF, Canada, 8 pages [oral presentation].
  16. Ahmed Labeid, M., Dossett, W., Diederichs M.S., and Day, J. J. 2019. The impact of water saturation on rough and smooth granite joints. ISRM 14th International Congress of Rock Mechanics, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 8 pages [oral presentation].
  17. Clark, M. D.Day, J. J., and Diederichs, M.S. 2019. Assessing the mineralogical relationship of skarn-related hydrothermal veins to their geomechanical behaviour in intact laboratory tests. 53rd US Rock Mech. / Geomech. Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages, [oral presentation].
  18. Packulak, T.R.Ahmed Labeid, M.T., Rudderham, G.A.Day, J. J., and Diederichs, M.S. 2019. Evaluating characterization methods for joint surface roughness. 53rd US Rock Mech. / Geomech. Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages, [oral presentation].
  19. Labeid, M., Jaczkowski, E., Packulak, T.Day, J. J., and Diederichs M. S. 2019. The effect of saturation, scale and loading rate on the mechanical response of low porosity rocks and implications for tunnel project site investigation. World Tunnel Congress 2019, Naples, Italy, 10 pages [oral presentation].
  20. Day, J. J. 2018. Integrating healed intrablock rockmass structures into geotechnical design. CSCE 2018 Annual Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Fredericton, NB, 10 pages.
  21. Packulak, T.R.M. and Day, J. J. 2018. The role of rock direct shear testing and practical aspects of boundary conditions. CSCE 2018 Annual Conference, Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Fredericton, NB, Canada, 10 pages.
  22. Packulak, T.R.M.Day, J.J., and Diederichs, M.S. 2018. Practical aspects of boundary condition selection on direct shear laboratory tests. Geomechanics and geodynamics of rock masses, ISRM-EUROCK 2018, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 6 pages.
  23. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2017. Investigating normal and shear stiffness properties of fractures and healed sedimentary nodular structure in the Cobourg limestone. Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference, GeoOttawa 2017, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 8 pages.
  24. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2017. The influence of mineralogy and grain scale features in healed intrablock structure on direct shear properties in the Cobourg limestone. 51st US Rock Mechanics, Geomechanics Symposium, 25-28 June, San Francisco, CA, USA, , 12 pages.
  25. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2017. Application of Composite Geological Strength Index for healed rockmass structure to deep mine access tunnels. World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Bergen, Norway, ISBN 978-82-92641-40-8, 10 pages.
  26. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2017. An overview of the influence of healed intrablock structure on rockmass behaviour. Canadian Institute of Mining 2017 Convention, April 30 – May 3, Montreal, QC, Canada, 6 pages.
  27. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2016. Validation of Composite Geological Strength Index for healed rockmass structure in deep mine access and production tunnels. Tunnelling Association of Canada Conference, October 16-18, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 8 pages.
  28. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2015. Effects of structural contact stiffness and strength on progressive failure of healed structure. In: Proceedings of the ISRM Regional Symposium EUROCK 2015 & 64th Geomechanics Colloquium – Future Development of Rock Mechanics, Schubert, W. & Kluckner, A. (eds), Salzburg, Austria, 7-10 October 2015, , pp. 433-438. Austrian Society for Geomechanics: Salzburg.
  29. Van der Pouw Kraan, M. C., Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2014. Impact of joint properties on rockmass behaviour predictions for underground excavations. International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, October 19-22, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 10 pages.
  30. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2014. Component and system deformation properties of complex rockmasses with healed structure. 48th U.S. Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA, Minneapolis, MN, USA, , 11 pages.
  31. Day, J. J., Hutchinson, D. J., and Diederichs, M. S. 2014. Challenges in characterization of complex rockmasses, using drill core, as input into geomechanical analysis for tunnel design. World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 10 pages.
  32. Day, J. J., Duran, F. I., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2013. Accounting for rockmass structure in open pit and underground mine design. 47th U.S. Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA, San Francisco, CA, USA, , 10 pages.
  33. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2013. Incorporation of geostructural data into discrete analysis for tunnel design. ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, May 31 – June 7, 2013, Geneva, Switzerland, 8 pages.
  34. Day, J. J., Walton, G., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2012. The influence of structure on rockmass strength at depth. Tunnelling Association of Canada Conference, Montreal, QC, 8 pages.
  35. Day, J. J., Hutchinson, D. J., and Diederichs, M. S. 2012. A critical look at geotechnical classification for rock strength estimation. 46th U.S. Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA, Chicago, IL, USA, , 10 pages.

Partially Refereed Extended Abstracts Published in Conference Proceedings (12)

  1. Yates, T., Day, J.J., and Hauser, D. 2022. Cultural perspectives on the Hopewell Rocks: Investigating community values in a geotourism context. 16th Annual Inquiry at Queen’s Conference, March 8-10.
  2. Clark, M.D. Day, J. J. 2019. The implications of including skarn related rock in sample selection and its effects on mine planning. Energy, Mining, and Petroleum 2019 Conference, Fredericton, NB, Canada, October 27-29, 1 page [oral].
  3. Rudderham, G. A., Day, J. J., Park, A. F., Hinds, S. J., and Wilson, B. J. K. 2019. Strain analysis of quartz veins in the Mispec Bay area, NB, Canada. Energy, Mining, and Petroleum 2019 Conference, Fredericton, NB, Canada, October 27-29, 1 page [oral].
  4. Hyslop, A., Kruse, S., and Day, J. J. 2019. Structural and geomechanical analysis of the 2016 Elephant Rock failure, Hopewell Provincial Park, New Brunswick, Canada. Energy, Mining, and Petroleum 2019 Conference, Fredericton, NB, Canada, October 27-29, 1 page [poster].
  5. Clark, M.D., Day, J. J., and McFarlane, C. R. M. 2019. Application of geological laboratory techniques for insight into the geomechanical behaviour of skarn-related veined rocks. Atlantic Geoscience Society 45th Colloquium, Fredericton, NB, February 8-9, 1 page [oral].
  6. Gonzalez, J. J., Lentz, D. R., Walker, J. A., and Day, J. J. 2019. Chemostratigraphic assessment of drill core S916 from the Heath Steele E Zone, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick. Atlantic Geoscience Society 45th Colloquium, Fredericton, NB, February 8-9, 1 page [poster].
  7. Healy, T. H. and Day, J. J. 2019. Province-wide engagement of youth in the minerals industry: A New Brunswick Gemstone Contest. Atlantic Geoscience Society 45th Colloquium, Fredericton, NB, February 8-9, 1 page [oral].
  8. Bradley, D. C., Waugh, L. M., Day, J. J., and Hanscom, G. 2018. Photogrammetric inspection system for underground hydroelectric infrastructure. 3rd Virtual Geoscience Conference, Kingston, ON, Canada, 22-24 August, 2 pages [oral].
  9. Diederichs, M. S., Day, J. J., Ghazvinian, E., Perras, M., Paraskevopoulou, C., and Walton, G. 2017. Progressive brittle damage processes and failure in rock. ISRM Progressive Rock Failure Conference 2017, PRF 2017; Ascona; Switzerland; 5-9 June 2017 [oral].
  10. Diederichs, M. S., Jaczkowski, E., Day, J. J., Ghazvinian, E., Lam, T., and Jensen, M. 2017. Influence of clay-mineral matrix on mechanical properties of a heterogeneous argillaceous limestone.  Submitted to 7th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, Davos, Switzerland, 24-27 September, 3 pages.
  11. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2015. The influence of intrablock structure on the behaviour of excavations in complex rockmasses. Advances in Earth Science Research Conference, AESRC, Kingston, ON, March 27-29, 1 page [oral].
  12. Day, J. J., Diederichs, M. S., and Hutchinson, D. J. 2013. The influence of intrablock structure on rockmass strength. 4th Canadian Young Geotechnical Engineers and Geoscientists Conference, cYGEGC, Mont-Tremblant, QC, October 3-6, 2 pages [oral].

Keynote Presentations (2)

  1. Day JJ. 2023. Coastal cliff rock stability and geotourist perceptions at Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park, New Brunswick. Advances in Earth Sciences Research Conference (AESRC), Kingston, ON, 31 Mar-2 Apr.
  2. Day JJ. 2022. Heterogeneous rockmass characterization for numerical rock engineering design. RockEng22, 22nd Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Kingston, ON, 8-10 August.

Invited Presentations (5)

  1. Day, J. J. 2021. Transformation of Geological Engineering Field Methods to remote delivery using hands-on and virtual tools in fall 2020. Dean's Showcase of Teaching and Learning in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, ³ÉÈË´óƬ, 11 May 2021.
  2. Day, J. J. 2021. . 6th e-YEG Webinar Series, Young Engineering Geologists Group of the International Association of Engineering Geology, 21 January 2021.
  3. Day, J. J. 2020. Gender in Engineering Panel Keynote Presentation. Engineering Society of ³ÉÈË´óƬ. Inaugural Gender in Engineering Mentorship Meeting, 19 November 2020.
  4. Day, J. J. 2020. Quantifying geology for site investigation: outcrop mapping for engineering assessment. Terrane Geoscience Inc. Webinar Series, 26 May 2020.
  5. Day, J. J. 2018-19. Where geology meets engineering in hydrothermally altered environments: considering veins in geotechnical design. Atlantic Geoscience Society 2018-19 Lecture Tour to four universities: Memorial University, Newfoundland; Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia; St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia; University of New Brunswick Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Presentations (11)

  1. Day JJ. 2022. My career path and experience as a woman in STEM. Winter Speaker Series, Women in Science and Engineering, University of Ottawa Chapter, 21 March 2022.
  2. Day JJ. 2021. Faculty Member Perspective on Diversity and Inclusion, and Reflections on the December 6th, 1989 Massacre at École Polytechnique. December 6th Memorial Service, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Queen’s University, 6 December 2021.
  3. Day JJ. 2021. Transformation of Geological Engineering Field Methods to remote delivery using hands-on and virtual tools. Dean’s Showcase of Teaching and Learning in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Queen’s University, 11 May 2021.
  4. Day JJ. 2021. Implications of heterogeneous rockmass characterization for geomechanics numerical modelling. 6th e-YEG Webinar Series, Young Engineering Geologists Group of the International Association of Engineering Geology, 21 January 2021.
  5. Day, JJ. 2020. Gender in Engineering Panel Keynote Presentation. Engineering Society of Queen’s University. Inaugural Gender in Engineering Mentorship Meeting, 19 November 2020.
  6. Day, JJ. 2020. Quantifying geology for site investigation: outcrop mapping for engineering assessment. Terrane Geoscience Inc. Webinar Series, 26 May 2020.
  7. Day JJ. 2018-19. Where geology meets engineering in hydrothermally altered environments: considering veins in geotechnical design. Atlantic Geoscience Society 2018-19 Lecture Tour, Memorial U., NF.
  8. Day JJ. 2018-19. Where geology meets engineering in hydrothermally altered environments: considering veins in geotechnical design. Atlantic Geoscience Society 2018-19 Lecture Tour, St. Francis Xavier U., NS.
  9. Day JJ. 2018-19. Where geology meets engineering in hydrothermally altered environments: considering veins in geotechnical design. Atlantic Geoscience Society 2018-19 Lecture Tour, Dalhousie U., NS.
  10. Day JJ. 2018-19. Where geology meets engineering in hydrothermally altered environments: considering veins in geotechnical design. Atlantic Geoscience Society 2018-19 Lecture Tour, U. New Brunswick Fredericton, NB.
  11. Day, J. J. 2021. Transformation of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering Field Methods to remote delivery using hands-on and virtual tools in fall 2020. Virtual Showcase of Teaching and Learning, Centre for Teaching and Learning, ³ÉÈË´óƬ, 5 May 2021.

News Articles (1)

  1. Gray, A., Rudderham, G.Clark, M., and Day, J. J. 2019. UNB Earth Sciences: Silver Standard – McAllister 2019 Field Trip to Spain and Portugal. ENGEOActions, Engineers and Geoscientists New Brunswick Newsletter,  pg. 28-29.

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