Dr. Heather Jamieson

Dr. Heather Jamieson

Office Miller 304
Phone 613-533-6181
Email jamieson@queensu.ca

Heather Jamieson grew up in Noranda, Quebec and is now a Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at Queen鈥檚 University, Kingston, Canada. She also holds an appointment and teaches courses in the School of Environmental Studies at Queen鈥檚. Her expertise is in the area of environmental geochemistry, particularly the mineralogical controls on the mobility of metals and metalloids (notably arsenic) in mine waste and the application of synchrotron-based X-ray experiments and other microanalytical methods to metal speciation in mine tailings, soils, sediments and household dust.  Much of her fieldwork is in the Canadian Arctic but she has also conducted research in Nova Scotia, California, Montana, Spain and Australia.

Research Interests/Current Research

Environmental Geochemistry and Mineralogy, Environmental Impact of Mining

Supervising Information

New projects are always available. Please contact me if you are interested in joining our research group.

Current and recently completed:


Graduate Program

Years Supervised or Co-supervised

Title of Project or Thesis

Present Position

Alex Bailey

Master's (In Progress)

Supervised 2015 -

Speciation of arsenic in Giant mine tailings

MSc student, Queen's

Christopher Schuh

Doctoral (In Progress)

Supervised 2015 -

Arsenic in lake sediments in the Yellowknife region

PhD student, 成人大片

Clare Miller

Master's (In Progress)

Supervised 2015 -

Metal mobility and climate change in mineralized environment

MSc student, Queen's

Kirsten Maitland

Master's (In Progress)

Supervised 2014 -

Speciation of arsenic in soils near Yellowknife

MSc student, Queen's

Martin Van Den Berghe

Master's (In Progress)

Supervised 2014 -

Speciation of arsenic in lakes near Giant mine

MSc student, Queen's

Lori Manoukian

Master's (In Progress)

Supervised 2013 -

Acid drainage from high-sulphidation epithermal gold

MSc student, Queen鈥檚

Anezka Radkova

Doctoral (In Progress)

Supervised 2012 -

Speciation of As and Sb in mine tailings

PhD student, Queen's

Bartholemew Warren

Doctoral (In Progress)

Supervised 2011 -

Mobility of selenium at Red Dog mine, AK

PhD student, 成人大片

Guy-Thierry Tenkuano

Master's (In Progress)

Co-supervised 2015 - 2017

Arsenic in lake sediments impacted by mining

Graduate student, Queen's

Diana van Vlymen

Master's (In Progress)

Co-supervised 2014 - 2016

Perception and Communication of Risks of Mine Tailings

Graduate student, Queen's

Elizabeth Phillips

Undergraduate (Completed)

Supervised 2014 - 2015

Release of arsenic and antimony from tails

MSc applicant, Queen's

Sterling Vanderzee

Master's (In Progress)

Co-supervised 2013 - 2015

CO2 sequestration in recycled concrete

Graduate student, Queen's

Drew Stavinga

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2012 - 2015

Geochemistry of oxide ore at Prairie Creek

Geochemist at Artkis Solutions Ltd.

Bryn Kimball

Postdoctoral (Completed)

Supervised 2013 - 2014

Mineralogy and biogeochemistry of mine waste

Visiting Assistant Professor, Whitman College

Dana Howell

Undergraduate (Completed)

Supervised 2013 - 2014

Arsenic in lake sediments near Yellowknife

Bachelor of Education program

Jake Nesbitt

Undergraduate (Completed)

Supervised 2013 - 2014

NSERC USRA Mineralogical & element microanalysis

MSc student, University of Saskatchewan

Colin Purdy

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2011 - 2014

Mobility of REE in mine waste

Geochemist, Artkis Solutions Inc

Tyler Nash

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2011 - 2014

Speciation and toxicology of arsenic-rich sediments

Research Assistant, 成人大片

Stephanie DeSisto

Doctoral (Completed)

Co-supervised 2009 - 2014

Mobility of Arsenic and Lead in Gold Mine Tailings

Assistant Professor, Luther College

Allison Laidlow


(In Progress)

Co-supervised 2011 - 2013

Natural attenuation of U and REE downstream of U tailings

Core6 Environmental, Vancouver, BC

Andrew Gault

Postdoctoral (Completed)

Supervised 2010 - 2013

Application of synchrotron micro-analysis to colloids

Alexco Resources, Toronto

Kristinia Skeries

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2010 - 2013

Metal dispersal in the Mackenzie Mountains

Golder Associates, Mississauga

Martha Buckwalter-D

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2010 - 2013

Characterization and Quantification of Metal  Particles

Golder Associates, Ireland

Faith Opio

Doctoral (Completed)

Co-supervised 2008 - 2013

Arsenic in smelter residues

PDF, Brazil

Heather Jaggard

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2009 - 2012

Speciation of metals in mine tailings dust

Geochemist, Golder Associates, Sudbury, ON

Cirisse Stephen

Undergraduate (Completed)

Supervised 2010 - 2011

Metal uptake in aquatic and terresterial plants

Medical School

Julienne MacLaughlin

Master's (Completed)

Co-supervised 2009 - 2011

Exploring paddling-based recreation and tourism


MacKenzie Bromstad

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2009 - 2011

Arsenic Trioxide in Soils Near the Giant Mine

Research Assistant, 成人大片

Heather Sealey

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2008 - 2011

Arsenic attenuation in Arctic wetlands

Geologist, Wolverine mine, Yukon

Jessica Drysdale

Master's (Completed)

Co-supervised 2008 - 2011

Biogeochemistry of arsenic transformation in a northern wetl

Research assistant, Wood's Hole, MA

Jennifer Kavalench

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2008 - 2010

Remediation of arsenic-rich tailings in NS

Geochemist, AMEC Earth and Environmental

Ryan Brunt

Master's (Completed)

Supervised 2008 - 2010

Environmental risk assessment of As-rich mine waste

Agriculture Canada, Ottawa

Zoey Walden

Master's (Completed)

Co-supervised 2008 - 2010

Metals in House Dust

Canadian Energy Research Institute

Stephen Walker

Res. Associate (Completed)

Supervised 2007 - 2010

Application of synchrotron microanalysis to metal speciation

Senior Geochemist, AMEC Foster Wheeler

Stephen Walker

Postdoctoral (Completed)

Supervised 2006 - 2010

Synchrotron microanalysis of mine waste and house dust

Senior Geochemist, AMEC Foster Wheeler

Matthew Herod

Undergraduate (Completed)

Supervised 2008 - 2009

Radon in stream water in Port Hope, ON

PhD student, Univ Ottawa

Skya Fawcett

Doctoral (Completed)

Supervised 2004 - 2009

Antimony in Sediments and Water near Yellowknife

Geochemist, Golder Associates, Calgary, AB

Karina Lange

Doctoral (Completed)

Co-supervised 2003 - 2009

Attenuation of Metals by Geosynthetic Clay Liners

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ottawa, ON

Professional Associations

  • Mineralogical Association of Canada
  • Mineralogical Society of America
  • Geological Association of Canada
  • Geological Society of America
  • Association of Applied Geochemists
  • International Medical Geology Association


Recent publications (student and postdocs noted in bold)

  • Miller, C.B., Parsons, M.B., Jamieson, H.E., Galloway, J.M., Patterson, R.T. (2016) Geochemical baselines and metal(loid) mobility in a changing northern climate: Courageous-Mackay Lake Greenstone Belt, Slave Geological Province, NWT.  Poster presented at the Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, November 15-17, 2016. 
  • Radkov谩, A, Jamieson, H.E., Lalinsk谩-Volekov谩, B., Majzlan, J., 艩tevko, M., Chovan, M. 2015. Mineralogical controls on antimony mobility during tetrahedrite-tennantite weathering at historic mine sites 艩pania Dolina-Piesky and 慕ubietov虂a-Sv盲todu拧n谩, Slovakia. Submitted to American Mineralogist.
  • Purdy-Lussier C.J.K., Jamieson H.E. 2015. Rare earth element mobility from mine tailings. Environmental Science and Technology. Accepted subject to revisions.
  • DeSisto, S.L., Parsons, M.B., Jamieson, H.E. 2015. Vertical Variations in Arsenic Hosts Following Long term Weathering of Gold Mine Tailings. Applied Geochemistry. Accepted subject to revisions.
  • Clyde, E.J., Champagne P, Jamieson, H.E., Gorman, C., Sourial, J., 2015. The use of a Passive Treatment System for the Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage at the Williams Brother Mine, CA: Pilot-Scale Study. Journal for Cleaner Production. Accepted subject to revisions.
  • Stavinga, D.B., Jamieson, H.E., Paradis, S., Falck, H. 2015. Geochemical and Mineralogical Controls on Metal(loid) Mobility in the Oxide Zone of the Prairie Creek Deposit, NWT. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. Submitted.
  • Skeries, K., Day, S., Falck, H., Paradis, S., Jamieson, H.E. 2015. Geochemical and Mineralogical Controls on Metal Dispersion in Streams and Sediments in the Prairie Creek District, NWT. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. Submitted.
  • Castillo, F., Avalos-Borjac, M., Villalobose, M., Jamieson, H., Hern谩ndez-Barcenasa, G., Mart铆nez-Villegas, N. 2015. Identification of diagenetic calcium arsenates using synchrotron-based micro X-ray diffraction. Bolet铆n de la Sociedad Geol贸gica Mexicana. Accepted
  • Jamieson, H.E., Walker, S.R., Parsons, M.I. 2015. Mineralogical Characterization of Mine Waste. Invited Review Paper, Applied Geochemistry 57: 85-105.
  • Walker, S.R., Jamieson, H.E., Lanzirotti, A., Hall, G. E. M., Peterson, R.C. 2015. The effect of ore roasting on arsenic oxidation state and solid phase speciation in gold mine tailings. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 15, 273-291
  • Fawcett, S.E., H. Jamieson, D. Nordstrom, B. McCleskey. 2015. Arsenic and antimony geochemistry of mine wastes, associated waters and sediments at the Giant Mine, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Applied Geochemistry 62, 3-17.
  • Jamieson, H.E. 2014. The legacy of arsenic contamination from mining and processing refractory gold ore at Giant Mine, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. In: Arsenic: Environmental geochemistry, mineralogy, and microbiology. Eds: Bowell, R.J., Alpers, C.N., Jamieson, H.E., Nordstrom, D.N., Majzlan, J. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 79, 533-553.
  • Bowell, R.J., Alpers, C.N., Jamieson, H.E., Nordstrom, D.N., Majzlan, J. 2014. The Environmental Geochemistry of Arsenic: An Overview. In: Arsenic: Environmental geochemistry, mineralogy, and microbiology. Eds: Bowell, R.J., Alpers, C.N., Jamieson, H.E., Nordstrom, D.N., Majzlan, J. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 79, pp 1-15.
  • Jamieson, H.E., Gault, A.G. 2012. Application of synchrotron microanalysis to studies of soils, sediments, dust and mine waste. In: Quantitative Mineralogy and Microanalysis of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks, Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course 42, ed. P. Sylvester, St. John鈥檚 NL, May 2012, 35-53.
  • Hudson-Edwards, K. A., Jamieson, H.E., Lottermoser, B.G. 2011. Mine Wastes: Past, Present, Future. Elements, Special Issue on Mine Wastes, 375-380.
  • Jamieson, H.E. 2011. Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Solid Mine Waste: Essential Knowledge for Predicting Environmental Impact. Elements, Special Issue in Mine Wastes, 381-386.
  • Opio, F., Peacey, J., Jamieson, H.E. 2011 Tooeleite as a new possibility for arsenic fixation: thermal decomposition and stabilisation. Environmine 2011, Proc. 2nd Interntl. Sem. Env. Issues Mining Industry, Santiago, Chile.
  • Bromstad, M., Jamieson, H.E. 2011.The persistence and mobility of roaster-derived arsenic in surface soils at Giant mine, NWT. Mining and the Environment International Conference V, Sudbury, ON
  • Jaggard, H., Jamieson, H.E. 2011 Mineralogical characterization of tailings and respirable dust from lead-rich mine waste and its controls on bioaccessibility. Mining and the Environment International Conference V, Sudbury, ON
  • Drysdale, M., Ljung, K., Jamieson, H.E., Weinstein, P., Cook, A., Watkins, R.T. 2012. Evaluating the respiratory bioaccessibility of nickel in soil through the use of a simulated lung fluid. Environ Geochem Health 34 (2), pg. 279-288.
  • Bromstad, M., Jamieson, H.E. 2012. Giant Mine,Yellowknife, Canada: Arsenite waste as the legacy of gold mining and processing. Chapter 2 (page 25-42) in The Metabolism of Arsenite (eds.) J.A. Santini and S.A. Ward. Volume 5 of the series Arsenic in the Environment. CRC Press ISSN: 1876- 6218.
  • Walker, S.R., Jamieson, H.E., Rasmussen, P.E. 2011 Application of synchrotron microprobe methods to solid-phase speciation of metals and metalloids in house dust. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 8233-8240. 
  • Jamieson, H.E., Walker, S.R., Andrade, C.F., Rasmussen, P. Beauchemin, S., Lanzirotti, A., Parsons, M.B., Wrye, L.A. 2011 Direct identification of metal compounds in contaminated soil, mine tailings, lake sediments and house dust using synchrotron-based microanalysis. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 17:1292鈥1309.
  • Corriveau, M.C., Jamieson, H.E., Parsons, M.B., Hall, G.E.M. 2011 Mineralogical characterization of arsenic in gold mine tailings from three sites in Nova Scotia, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 11, 179-192.
  • DeSisto, S., Jamieson, H.E., Parsons, M.B. 2011. Influence of hardpan layers on arsenic mobility in historical gold mine tailings. Applied Geochemistry 26, 2004-2018
  • Corriveau, M.C., Jamieson, H.E., Parsons, M.B., Campbell, J.L., Lanzirotti, A. 2011. Direct characterization of airborne particles associated with arsenic-rich mine tailings: Particle size, mineralogy and texture. Applied Geochemistry 26, 1639-1648.
  • Fawcett, S.E., Jamieson, H.E. 2011. The Distinction between ore processing and post-depositional transformation on the speciation of As and Sb in mine waste and sediment Chemical Geology 283, 109-118.
  • Osborne, T.H., Jamieson, H.E., Hudson-Edwards, H.E., Nordstrom, D.K., Walker, S.R., Santini,J.M. 2010. Microbial oxidation of arsenite in a permafrost environment: diversity of arsenite oxidase genes and identification of a new psychrotolerant arsenite oxidiser. BMC Microbiology 10, 205.
  • Fawcett, S.E., Jamieson, H.E. 2010. The distinction between ore processing and post-depositional transformation on the speciation of As and Sb in mine waste and sediment Chemical Geology, Published online February 2010.
  • Lange, K., Rowe, R.K., Jamieson, H., Flemming,R., Lanzirotti, A. 2010. Characterization of geosynthetic clay liners using micro-analytical methods: Implications for metal mitigation. Applied Geochemistry. 25, 1056-1069.
  • Clyde, E.J., Champagne, P., Jamieson, H.E. 2010. The use of passive treatment alternatives for the mitigation of acidic drainage at the Williams Brothers Mine, California: Bench-Scale Study. Applied Geochemistry 25, 958-971.
  • Meunier, L., Walker, S.R., Koch, I., Wragg, J. Parsons, M.B., Jamieson, H.E., Reimer, K.J. 2010. Effects of Soil Composition and Mineralogy on the Bioaccessibility of Arsenic from Tailings and Soil in Gold Mine Districts of Nova Scotia. Environmental Science Technology 44, 2667鈥2674.
  • Andrade, C.F., Jamieson, H.E., Praharaj, T., Fortin, D., Kyser, T.K. 2010. Biogeochemical cycling of arsenic in mine-impacted sediments and co-existing pore waters. Applied Geochemistry 25, 199鈥 211.
  • Akabzaa, T.M., Jamieson, H.E, Jorgenson, N., Nyame, K. 2009 The Combined Impact of Mine Drainage in the Ankobra River Basin, SW Ghana. Mine Water Environment 28, 50-64.
  • Fawcett, S.E., Gordon, R., Jamieson, H.E. 2009. Optimizing experimental design, overcoming challenges and gaining valuable information from the Sb K-edge XANES region. American Mineralogist 94, 1377鈥1387.
  • Walker, S.R., Parsons, M.B., Jamieson, H.E., Lanzirotti, A. 2009. Arsenic mineralogy of near- surface tailings and soils: Influence on arsenic behaviour and bioaccessibility in the Nova Scotia  gold mining districts. Canadian Mineralogist 47, 533-556
  • Sidenko, N.V., Cooper, M.A., Sherriff, B.L., Jamieson, H.E. 2009. Formation and Stability of (Na,K)2Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2脳nH2O in Gold Heap Leach Mine Waste. Canadian Mineralogist 43, 1157- 1170.
  • Lange, K,. Rowe, R.K., Jamieson, H.E. 2007. Metal Retention in Geosynthetic Clay Liners Following Permeation by Different Mining Solutions. Geosynthetics International 14, 178-187

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