Several units have relocated to 355 King Street West

Several units have relocated to 355 King Street West

August 3, 2022


Renovations at 355 King Street West, formerly St. Mary's of the Lake, are partially complete and several units have moved-in to the facility, with more scheduled over the remainder of the summer.

The departments that have moved-in the building and started normal operations include:

  • Facilities including Trades, Parking & Fixit
  • Strategic Procurement Services
  • Finance  

Other departments set to move into the facility over the summer include:

  • Campus Security and Emergency Services
  • Environmental Health and Safety
  • Investment
  • Audit and Risk
  • Postal services

The project is taking place in two stages:

  • Stage 1, includes the south and southwest portion of the project, and is now complete. Stage one of the project represents roughly 65 per cent of the total area under construction

The City of Kingston has granted partial occupancy allowing some administrative departments to move in to the completed areas, and the main parking lot is now in normal operation.

With Stage one complete, some of the construction fencing has now been removed, and all remaining construction fencing will be removed following the completion of Stage two.

  • Stage 2 comprises the remaining 35 per cent of the area, and is located on the east side of the building. This area is still under construction and is expected to be completed by fall of 2022.

Following the completion Stage 2, the Office of the Vice-Principal (Research) will also move into the new space.

The landscaping work is expected to complete by end of August 2022, and construction of the wheelchair ramp is expected to start in September, with completion expected late October 2022.

Queries on this project should be directed to and they will be forwarded to the appropriate office for a response. This update and others are also available on our 355 King Street West Project website.