Safety comes first for St. Patrick’s Day
March 12, 2025

Student wellbeing and safety messages will be distributed on social media.
Queen’s University, working with community partners, is promoting student well-being, respect, and responsibility while discouraging risky behaviours over St. Patrick’s Day weekend.
To enhance campus safety, Queen’s regularly meets with partners such as Kingston Police, the City of Kingston, South East Health Unit, Frontenac Paramedics, and student governments, to develop strategies addressing unsanctioned street parties.
This approach prioritizes education, awareness, and engagement with students and the surrounding community.
Key university initiatives include:
University District outreach
Peer-to-peer outreach is underway on campus with information being distributed about the , potential fines, and safety and harm reduction information. Kingston Bylaw and the Police Liaison Team (PLT) are also engaged in outreach activities in the University District.
Additional information, including a , is also being shared to direct students to the appropriate place or service if they need medical assistance.
Health Promotion’s Peer Health Educator Substance Use Team will be handing out Safe Party-Goer and Party-Thrower kits on Thursday, March 13 (Rose Commons in Mitchell Hall), and is collaborating with the Campus Observation Room’s peer team on in-residence and cross-campus alcohol harm reduction education and activities.
Supervised recovery resources
The Campus Observation Room (COR), the on-campus, non-medical detox service –overseen by Student Wellness Services-trained student volunteers and Kingston Health Sciences Centre professional staff – will be open throughout the weekend:
• Saturday, March 15: Noon – 7 a.m. (March 16)
• Sunday, March 16: Noon – 7 a.m. (March 17)
• Monday, March 17: 9 p.m. – 7 a.m. (March 18)
Residence no guest policy
All residences will be closed to guests throughout the St. Patrick’s Day weekend and security will be increased. A Big Breakfast will be offered on Saturday, March 15 and Sunday, March 16 at Leonard and Jean Royce dining halls. Hospitality Services will also be distributing snacks and drinks.
UDSI and Nuisance Party bylaws
The city’s is in effect from 12 a.m. on Friday, March 14, until Tuesday, March 18 at 12 p.m.
The City of Kingston has continued using , in addition to the Provincial Offences Act, for most offences under the UDSI and . Penalties can range from $50 to $2,000 depending on the offence. Individuals found to have violated local bylaws may be referred to the university’s non-academic misconduct process.
Social media campaign
Students will highlight their favorite things about Queen’s and Kingston in a video that will be shared on the university’s social media channels.
In addition to these videos, student wellbeing and safety messages will also be distributed on social media. They will focus on five key areas of safety and responsibility:
• Encouraging harm reduction for safer substance use
• Advising against climbing on roofs, lamp posts, or other structures
• Reminding people to keep roadways clear for emergency vehicles
• Raising awareness of enforcement and fines
• Reminding students to beware of construction sites and equipment
Messaging will direct students to the Have Fun. Be Safe. resources webpage for more information.
Student-led initiatives
The Alma Mater Society also has direct communications to students planned, including:
• Know Your Rights social media campaign educating students on the UDSI
• Social media posts updating students of relevant City of Kingston bylaws
• Food trucks in the open area between Douglas Library and Ontario Hall on Saturday, March 15.