For the Record – Aug. 18, 2022

For the Record – Aug. 18, 2022

August 18, 2022


For the Record provides postings of appointment, committee, grant, award, and other notices set out by collective agreements and university policies and processes. It is the university’s primary vehicle for sharing this information with our community.

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Headship Search Committee - Department of Psychiatry

Claudio Soares’ term as head of the Department of Psychiatry will end on June 30, 2023, and a Search Committee has been established to make a recommendation to the board chairs of the participating hospitals and provost of Queen’s University on its future leadership. The Search Committee, which has been established in accordance with the Senate document governing the Appointment of Clinical/Academic Department Heads is comprised of:

  • Dr. Diane Lougheed (co-chair), Vice-Dean, Clinical, Queen’s Health Sciences, QHS
  • Dr. Roumen Milev (co-chair), Vice President, Medical and Academic Affairs, Providence Care Hospital
  • Dr. Nazanin Alavi-Tabari, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, QHS
  • Dr. Oyedeji Ayonrinde, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, QHS
  • Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick, Chief of Staff & Executive Vice President, Medical and Academic Affairs, Kingston Health Sciences Centre
  • Kristy Lodewyks (Secretary), Senior Staffing Officer, QHS
  • Dr. Vijitha Mahalingam, Resident, Department of Psychiatry, QHS
  • Dr. David Messenger, Head, Department of Emergency Medicine, QHS
  • Dr. Simon O’Brien, Chief of Staff & Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Providence Care Hospital
  • Dr. Archana Patel, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, QHS
  • Dr. Gautham Pulagam, Resident, Department of Psychiatry, QHS
  • Krista Robertson, Administrative Assistant, Department of Psychiatry, QHS
  • Dr. Mary Rowland, Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, QHS

At this time, faculty, staff, students, residents and all other members of the hospital and university communities, are invited to submit their comments, in writing, on the present state and future prospects of the Department of Psychiatry, as well as the names of possible candidates for the headship and the reasons for supporting each nominee. Written submissions are to be submitted via . Responses received will remain confidential and will be shared only with the members of the review committee. Anonymous submissions will not be considered.

Health Sciences