˴Ƭ updates procurement policies
May 11, 2017
Queen’s has made changes to two of its procurement-related policies and procedures.
“We have made these revisions in order to reduce the administrative burden on staff and made the information more user friendly for the university community,” says Heather Woermke, Associate Vice-Principal (Finance).
The most substantial change to the university’s and is the increase to transaction limits, bringing Queen’s in line with other Ontario post-secondary institutions. Effective May 1:
- Single transaction limits have increased from $5,000 to $10,000 (CAD)
- Monthly limits have increased to $50,000 (CAD) per month
The and have undergone amendments, in part to reflect the introduction of acQuire, the new electronic procurement system, which will rollout over the next several months. Of particular note is a reduction in the number of quotes required for purchases between $10,000 and $49,999 (see chart below).
Value |
Procurement requirement
Previous Requirement |
<$10,000 (CAD) |
* No quotes required |
$10,000-$49,999 (CAD) |
Two (2) quotes |
Three (3) quotes |
$50,000-$99,999 (CAD) |
Three (3) quotes |
Three (3) quotes |
>$100,000 (CAD) |
Procurement-led RFP process (open competition) |
Procurement-led RFP Process (open competition) |
*If any key terms (such as price, delivery time, etc.) are not readily available having the vendor confirm these details in writing before proceeding with a purchase is recommended
To view the revised documents, please visit the following links:
If you have questions regarding the policy changes, email Strategic Procurement Services at buystuff@queensu.ca