Ontario Universities’ Fair returns to in-person event

Ontario Universities’ Fair returns to in-person event

Queen’s is ready to engage with thousands of prospective students in Toronto this weekend at the first in-person OUF in more than two years.

By Communications Staff

September 29, 2022


Queen's at Ontario Universities' Fair
A Queen's student representative speaking with a family at a previous Ontario Universities' Fair.

Queen’s is ready to connect with future students in person at the Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF) this weekend for the first time in more than two years, after the event was conducted virtually in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19. Held Oct. 1-2, OUF brings together 22 Ontario universities in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre so prospective post-secondary students can meet with representatives from the schools in one place and start to decide where their education will take them. In past years, more than 125,000 people would attend the fair over the weekend.

“The Ontario Universities’ Fair marks the unofficial kickoff to the fall recruitment season and gives Queen’s a chance to engage with thousands of interested students over a single weekend,” says Chris Coupland, Executive Director, Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment. “We’re excited to be meeting in person with future students this year and helping them learn about the academic programs, student life, and campus community that make Queen’s so special.”

More than 200 people from across Queen’s, including students, faculty, and staff will be on hand over the weekend to run the university’s booth. The Queen’s booth is 180’ long by 15’ wide and has stations for each faculty. At the centre of the booth is a large LED screen – the size of eight 55’’ televisions – that plays a video showing breathtaking footage of campus as well as information about the different faculties and the student experience.

“This has truly been a Queen’s-wide undertaking that has involved months of planning and coordination, and I want to thank everyone who has supported our efforts,” says Coupland. “Together, we’ll be showing thousands of prospective students how Queen’s can help them work toward their goals.”

Virtual information sessions

The format of OUF has changed somewhat this year. Previously, each university gave in-person presentations to attendees about academics and student life at their schools regularly throughout the weekend of the fair. Now, virtual information sessions will be held over three-hour periods over three evenings in October, November, and December. Queen’s series of sessions will focus on four themes: access and inclusion, student awards, Bader College, and general information about life and learning at the university.

“Virtual information sessions give us the chance to reach students across Canada and around the world,” says Coupland. “Over the past two years, we’ve become adept at recruiting in virtual environments, and we will be able to apply our learnings from the pandemic to this new format of OUF.”

Learn more on the UAR website and the .