Online career events in January

Online career events in January

January 14, 2022


Job search and networking opportunities for all students are continuing online this term as pandemic-related restrictions remain in place. Faculty and staff are encouraged to promote these activities to students who are exploring their career options.

Upcoming events this month, include:

Career Networking Event for Indigenous Students – Wednesday, Jan. 19, 4-6 pm

Co-hosted by Queen’s Career Services, Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre, and Aboriginal Access to Engineering, Indigenous students and recent Queen’s graduates can make connections with potential employers that can lead to short-term and long-term career opportunities.

First piloted in November 2020, the event was a success for both students and employers who recognize and value the contributions of Indigenous colleagues, employees, and partners.

Students can register in

Engineering & Technology Fair – Jan. 19-20

This two-part, two-day event is open to all students and recent grads seeking internships and full-time positions in engineering and technology fields.

On Wednesday Jan. 19, Career Services staff members and resume coaches will be available to provide advice and support to help prepare participants for meeting with employers the following day.

Students from all disciplines are encouraged to attend, as recruiters often look for candidates beyond those with engineering and technology backgrounds. Once registered, students can preview the exhibitor booths and learn about which employers will be attending, their organizations, and available jobs.

Students and recent grads are invited to register below for one or both days:

  • Jan. 19 - Student Preparation - 
  • Jan. 20 - Meet Employers -  

Summer Opportunities Fair – Jan. 26, 10:30 am-3:30 pm

This annual event is open to all students, and connects them to employers for summer work, including part-time positions, internships, international experiences, and more.

  • Students –  
  • Employers –  

Once registered, students can preview the exhibitor booths. Some booths may not be fully set up until closer to the event date and additional booths are being added, as exhibitors continue to register.

Email Queen’s Career Services at with any questions or assistance with any of these events.

For all Career Services events, services and supports, visit

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