Marking one year of COVID-19

Marking one year of COVID-19

Principal and Vice-Chancellor Patrick Deane shares a video message with the campus community on the first anniversary of the pandemic.

By Communications Staff

March 16, 2021


Dear Queen鈥檚 Community,

This time last year we felt the first impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The university moved to remote learning and most of us began working from home. The entire world changed dramatically and now, a year later, it is necessary to reflect on what has happened over the past twelve months and to mark the significance of this anniversary. So many things are different and we cannot ignore the impact and the toll this virus has had on us all. Sadly, we are not done with it yet. But there is reason for hope. Mass vaccination will be here soon and we are doing everything we can to ensure that our community stays safe and healthy until then. As we look to a brighter future, we must acknowledge that there are still challenges ahead. We must continue to support one another, show compassion and understanding and know that working together, we will get through this. I encourage you to watch my short video that reminds us of how far we have already come and to acknowledge and thank all of you for your courage, resilience and commitment to our institution.

With gratitude,

Patrick Deane
Principal and Vice-Chancellor