Mark Walters stepping down as dean of the Faculty of Law in June 2023

Mark Walters stepping down as dean of the Faculty of Law in June 2023

August 16, 2022


Mark Walters, Dean of the Faculty of Law, will complete his deanship one year early, on June 30, 2023.

“Serving as the dean of one of Canada’s leading law schools has been a great privilege,” Dr. Walters says. “I have enjoyed my time as dean immensely, but I am now looking forward to returning to my research, writing, teaching, and mentoring students in the fields of public and constitutional law.”

During his tenure as dean, Dr. Walters has strengthened the Faculty of Law through the development of a new Strategic Framework (2021-2026), the introduction of new academic programs and dynamic course offerings – including the successful launch of the Graduate Diploma in Immigration and Citizenship Law – and has expanded faculty hiring in strategic areas to advance the academic mission and research footprint of the school. He has also worked to enhance equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenization within the Faculty of Law through the establishment of an Anti-Racism Working Group, the launch of a JD curriculum review to align with Queen’s EDII goals, and increased recruitment and support for students from equity-deserving groups.

Principal Deane and Provost Teri Shearer would like to thank Dr. Walters for his service as dean and wish him well on his return to teaching and research. Further information on the search for the next dean of the Faculty of Law will be shared once available.

A statement from Dean Walters can be found on the .
