Latest edition of the Gazette available
October 21, 2014
The latest edition of the Gazette is out and can be found all around Queen鈥檚 campuses, as well as a at a number of off-campus locations.
The Oct. 21 edition features articles on the new Elder at Four Directions, security tips for mobile devices and a photo spread from Homecoming 2014.
There are also items on awards and appointments for faculty members at Queen's.
Add to this regular features such as Human Resources, Books, Calendar of Events and Athletics and Recreation news, and there's no better way to know what is going on at Queen鈥檚.
The next edition of the bi-weekly Gazette will hit the newsstands on Nov. 4.
Anyone looking to get a story, photo or information in the Gazette can contact Gazette editor Andrew Carroll or Senior Communications Officer Mark Kerr.
Also visit the newly-designed for more stories and photos and follow us on Twitter at .