Human Resources launches manager certificate focused on wellbeing and burnout prevention


Human Resources launches manager certificate focused on wellbeing and burnout prevention

January 17, 2023


Human Resources has launched a new certificate program designed to help managers lead healthy and well teams at work. The new certificate – Enhancing Wellbeing and Preventing Burnout – has been thoughtfully designed and tailored for managers at Queen’s and is available at no cost.

“This is the first manager certificate program we have offered in Human Resources and one we believe is very much needed,” says Greg Simmons, Wellness and Engagement Coordinator, Employee Wellness Services. “Based on results from the Employee Experiences Survey, we know that managers are seeking more opportunities for professional development and additional mental health services. This certificate helps to address both areas while providing managers with meaningful tactics and tools they can leverage to lead healthy and well teams at work.”

The certificate features five online courses that cover a wide range of topics related to burnout prevention and wellbeing. Throughout the program, managers will learn the signs and symptoms of burnout, proactive strategies to avoid burnout, coaching and mentorship strategies to enhance wellbeing, and ways to promote and foster a healthy work life balance, particularly in a hybrid work environment.

Courses include:  

  • Finding Balance
    Sarah Jenner, Mindful Employer
    Feb. 15, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
  • Burnout: Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention
    Greg Simmons, Wellness and Engagement Coordinator
    Feb. 22, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
  • Autonomy Supportive Leadership: Coaching Employees to Enhance Wellbeing
    Lisa Sansom, Coach and Consultant
    March 6, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
  • Managing Time as a Leader
    Shannon Hill, Learning and Development Specialist
    March 29, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
  • Working in a Hybrid Environment
    Jana Raver, Professor, Organizational Behaviour at Smith School of Business
    Anticipated for April/May

All courses will be offered virtually in Winter 2023, with additional offerings anticipated for later this year. While courses have been designed as part of the certificate program, they can be taken separately and are available for registration on a course-by-course basis. Credit towards certificate completion will also be provided for those who have taken the Working in a Hybrid Environment course with Jana Raver in Fall 2022.

Registration for the certificate program and courses is available on the . Questions about the program can be directed to Employee Wellness Services.

Human Resources will be exploring opportunities to offer a similar certificate program to employees in the future.

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