Honouring secondary school mentors

Honouring secondary school mentors

Annual award allows graduating students to recognize the influence of former teachers.

By Nikta Sadati, Division of Student Affairs

June 23, 2022


As convocation ceremonies this week celebrate the achievements of thousands of Queen鈥檚 graduates, three students are marking this milestone by also honouring a high school educator who had a major influence on their journey to post-secondary education.

The teachers have been selected to receive a Baillie Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching, established by Chancellor Emeritus A. Charles Baillie.

The 2022 recipients are:

Nadia Bernabei of Kingston was nominated by Emma Smith (BNSc鈥22). Bernabei offers extra support to her students and a safe space in her mathematics classroom at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School. In her nomination, Smith describes Bernabei as instrumental in helping her make the decision to study nursing at Queen鈥檚 and to find joy and passion in learning.

鈥淪he led me to nursing and encouraged me to follow my dreams,鈥 Smith says. 鈥淲ithout Ms. Bernabei, I truly would not be where I am today, as the remarkable impact, inspiring wisdom, and lasting impact she has had on me is truly unmeasurable.鈥

Jennifer Clark, who teaches mathematics at St. Stephen Catholic Secondary School in Bowmanville, was nominated by Cheyenne Kammerer (Artsci鈥22), for being a strong role model for students considering a path in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). In her nomination, Kammerer highlights Clark鈥檚 readiness to encourage her class to view mistakes as opportunities to learn.

鈥淪he genuinely cared about teaching us to be good people,鈥 says Kammerer. 鈥淗er impact will be lifelong. If I can be half as optimistic, compassionate, empathetic, and kind, I will be making a difference.鈥

Ben Gross, a social and global studies teacher at Don Mills Collegiate Institute in North York, was nominated by Natalee Bryanna Veisi (Artsci鈥22), who details the ways Gross made their school a safer and more inclusive space, including his efforts to engage Indigenous leaders and artists to facilitate meaningful learning opportunities for his students.

鈥淗e is the embodiment of everything I, as an aspiring educator, hope to be,鈥 says Veisi. 鈥淢y desire to serve as an educator in the future is attributable to the excellence that I count myself lucky to have seen Mr. Gross demonstrate on a daily basis.鈥

Teacher-recipients receive a financial award, a framed certificate, and recognition in the convocation program.

Learn more about the awards and past recipients on the Student Affairs website.