Cancer groundshot: Access to proven treatments must parallel development of new therapies

Cancer groundshot: Access to proven treatments must parallel development of new therapies

Globally, most cancer patients die not because they don鈥檛 have access to newer drugs, but because they don鈥檛 have access to even basic treatments.

By Bishal Gyawali, Associate Professor, Oncology and Public Health Sciences

May 24, 2022


A woman enters an MRI machine for a brain scan.
A woman enters an MRI machine for a brain scan. Cancer groundshot highlights that investment in improving access to treatments already proven to work saves more lives than discovery of a new treatment. (Unsplash/National Cancer Institute)

Where should investment be made today in order to save the maximum number of lives from cancer tomorrow? That is the underlying principle behind the 鈥溾 philosophy.

Annually, billions of dollars are spent on ambitious 鈥溾 programs. These programs focus on the discovery of new drugs and technologies aimed at solving the cancer burden. The hope is that discovery of a new target, a new drug or a new mechanism will help to cure cancer or reduce the cancer burden.

The United States鈥 ambitious Cancer Moonshot program marks its fifth anniversary in 2022, and certainly, cancer is still very much a global problem that needs addressing. Some new drugs have been developed in this time frame, but the who has benefited from these newer drugs has .

Globally, most patients with cancer die not because they don鈥檛 have access to these newer drugs, but because they do not have access to even the basic treatments.

do not have access to basic radiotherapy services. will go without, and services needed for accurate cancer diagnosis are lacking.

These are interventions that help cure cancer and save the most lives, as opposed to newer drugs that only marginally extend survival or delay cancer growth. If inequity in access to proven effective interventions persists, newer treatment options will not reduce global cancer burden.

Cancer groundshot

I coined the term to encourage prioritization in cancer care and research. It is a part of the .

Cancer groundshot highlights that investing in improved access to interventions already proven to work saves more lives than discovery of a new intervention. When patients are dying due to lack of access to surgery or accurate diagnosis, a new cancer drug is not going to solve the problem.

Cervical cancer is a good example. It is probably the only cancer for which . HPV vaccination, cervical cancer screening and effective treatment of early detected cervical cancers may help us eliminate this cancer.

At the same time, newer drugs like in metastatic cervical cancer by 10 percentage points. While not discounting this medical advancement, it is more prudent for countries around the world to invest in cervical cancer screening, HPV vaccination and early treatment, rather than investing in access to pembrolizumab (one year of this drug ).

In this example, the use of pembrolizumab represents the cancer moonshot approach to cervical cancer. Focusing on vaccination, screening and early treatment represents the cancer groundshot approach.

A woman gets a breast exam while a doctor helps.
A woman gets a mammogram while a doctor helps. Severe disparities in access to care exist within high-income countries as well and several pockets of population are underserved and lack access to timely and adequate cancer care. (Unsplash/National Cancer Institute)

Costs and priorities

The cost of pembrolizumab is not an outlier. Modern cancer treatments are quite expensive. On average, based on 2018 data, a new cancer drug costs . On the other hand, barring a few good drugs, the benefits these drugs provide are . For example, some new cancer drugs .

Although valuation of life is inherently an impossible task, I think as a society we can agree that our resources can be better allocated than spending $16,000 per month for delaying tumour growth by three days. shows that these extra days of delayed tumour growth may not necessarily mean good quality of life, either.

Cancer groundshot is a philosophy that calls for prioritization of strategies in global cancer control. The underlying principle of cancer groundshot is that one must ensure access to interventions that are already proven to work before focusing on the development of new interventions. We need to realign our priorities and invest on equitable access to high-value interventions.

This is not only an issue in low- and middle-income countries. Severe disparities in access to care exist within high-income countries as well. There are several pockets of population in countries like the and , that are underserved and lack access to timely and adequate cancer care. There are disparities in socio-economic status, awareness levels, insurance coverage and other .

Advocacy and implementation

I laid out the details of the cancer groundshot philosophy in a . Since then, it has been gaining momentum in the cancer policy world. I have spoken about this at several international and national meetings, and this concept has been discussed both in academia and beyond. This year at the (ASCO), the world鈥檚 largest oncology conference, I am chairing a session on cancer groundshot.

This recognition from ASCO will certainly add to its recognition, and hopefully, adoption. The session is organized into three talks, which have also been compiled into a :

  • Cancer groundshot and how clinical trials fit into this philosophy.
  • Disparities in low- and middle-income countries, and if technology can help address this challenge.
  • Disparities in cancer care within high-income countries.

However, the real metric for the cancer groundshot is implementation of the philosophy and reduction in the inequities in access to proven therapies. Advocacy is the first step to achieve that end.The Conversation


, Associate Professor of Oncology and Public Health Sciences,

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