Writing Centre, Learning Strategies join forces

Writing Centre, Learning Strategies join forces

February 20, 2013


The university’s Writing Centre and Learning Strategies units have merged to form Student Academic Success Services (SASS), a collaborative unit providing greater academic support to students.

“Joining the exceptional teams in the Writing Centre and Learning Strategies allows for seamless delivery of support services to students,” says Susan Korba, Manager, SASS. “Centralizing services will integrate staff, allowing many more opportunities for collaboration and for the philosophies and best practices of each centre to inform the other.”

The centres continue to maintain their own services and programming but together, as SASS, the units can collaborate more closely on programs and share resources. SASS also shares recruitment efforts and training opportunities for the teams of volunteer peer assistants who work in both centres. The peer assistants mentor fellow students on everything from writing to time management, effective studying skills and exam preparation.

The Writing Centre offers workshops, credit courses and one-on-one writing consultations for both undergraduate and graduate students. Program coordinators, professional writing consultants and volunteer peer writing assistants are available to work with students. Learning Strategies provides a range of services to students, including workshops, professional advising and study skills coaching. Both the Writing Centre and Learning Strategies offer on-request workshops in residences and in-class workshops or presentations, as well as workshops through the Queen’s Learning Commons.

“The university is committed to enhancing the student learning experience and the natural alliance of the Writing Centre and Learning Strategies will provide students with greater access to appropriate programs and the experts who deliver them,” says Jill Scott, incoming Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning), who also co-chairs the Provost’s Advisory Task Force on the Student Learning Experience (SLE).

This article is one in a series profiling Student Academic Success Services (SASS) and the programs and resources it provides.

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