White paper encourages discussion around enrolment management

White paper encourages discussion around enrolment management

September 18, 2013


By Craig Leroux, Senior Communications Officer

A new white paper on long term enrolment planning released by the Strategic Enrolment Management Group (SEMG) aims to spark discussion and engage the university community in the enrolment planning process.

Alan Harrison, Provost and Vice-Principal Academic, chairs the SEMG and says that enrolment planning is much more than deciding how large or small Queen’s should be, it’s about alignment.

“Enrolment planning is about aligning our recruitment and retention efforts with the university’s strategic priorities, as well as with our capacities in terms of academic programs, student services, physical space, and our funding realities,” says Harrison. “We need to develop the plan in the context of our vision as a financially sustainable balanced academy.”

When the SEMG released an in early 2013, it provided an assessment of internal and external factors influencing enrolment, and recommended short term enrolment targets for 2013-14 and 2014-15. Its new white paper provides further context to the many factors involved in enrolment planning.

“The aim of the white paper is to help the faculties and schools, and the entire university community, engage in a discussion around enrolment planning,” adds Harrison. “It’s the next step in SEMG’s work to develop a proposal for a 10-year strategic enrolment plan for the university.”

The Senate Committee on Academic Development (SCAD) will host two town halls around the white paper, and all members of the university community are encouraged to attend. The town halls will take place in Richardson Hall, room 340, on September 24 and 25, from 6 to 8 pm.

“These town halls are an excellent way for students, staff and faculty to engage in a discussion around Queen’s enrolment strategy and the many factors that SEMG must take into consideration,” says Allison Williams, the Alma Mater Society’s Academic Affairs Commissioner. “Students have a lot to add to these discussions and I encourage everyone interested to come out and contribute.”

In addition to the Town Halls, the SEMG will seek feedback directly from the faculties and schools, and the white paper will be discussed at an upcoming Board-Senate retreat and University Council.

Feedback on the themes and questions outlined in the white paper can be sent by email to provost@queensu.ca until October 23, when all feedback will be considered as the SEMG begins the development of the university’s long term enrolment strategy.