Vice-Principal (Research) units reorganized to support Strategic Research Plan

Vice-Principal (Research) units reorganized to support Strategic Research Plan

October 31, 2013


Changes to the Vice-Principal (Research) portfolio will streamline services for Queen’s researchers and help the University achieve its research-related goals.

The newly-formed University Research Services (URS) unit will align its activities and objectives to the Strategic Research Plan and help provide high-quality and timely services to university researchers. The URS is an amalgamation of the Office of Research Services (ORS), eQUIP Task Force, and the Office of the University Veterinarian.

“We want URS to provide more integrated services for the research community,” says URS Executive Director Karina McInnis. “Our mission is, as it has always been, to help people at Queen’s achieve excellence in research and scholarship.”

The new URS will now comprise the grants and institutional programs unit, the compliance unit, metrics and analytics, and the Tools for Research Administration at Queen’s team (TRAQ). The entire unit will be centrally located in Fleming Hall, Jemmett Wing within the coming months.

In addition, the responsibilities of the Industry Partnerships and Innovation Park unit have expanded to include the negotiation and execution of research agreements, which are essential and strategic activities supporting the research enterprise.  The research agreement negotiation team will continue to be located in Fleming Hall, Jemmett Wing.

“This broadened mandate provides the opportunity to build skills, capacity and flexibility in the unit with the anticipated benefits of streamlining work processes and strengthening delivery of services”, says Janice Mady, Director, Industry Partnerships and Innovation Park. 

The delivery and management of all internal research award programs is transitioning from URS to the Office of the Vice-Principal (Research) over the next several months.   Concurrently, a review of the internal research award programs will commence in November with the goal of identifying new ways to deliver and support these programs while maximizing support of the Queen’s research enterprise.   The new internal research funding programs will be launched in spring 2014.

To view the new organizational structure, .
