University community invited to comment on enrolment report

University community invited to comment on enrolment report

March 13, 2013


The university’s Strategic Enrolment Management Group (SEMG) is seeking feedback from the Queen’s community on a . The SEMG will also consult directly with Senate and the Senate Committee on Academic Development.

“I encourage students, staff and faculty to send us their thoughts on our report,” says Alan Harrison Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) and Chair of SEMG. “We want to hear from the Queen’s community on such an important issue as enrolment.”

The SEMG report includes a consideration of a number of internal and external factors that influence strategic enrolment planning, such as demand for programs, institutional capacity, government funding and policy, and the capacity of student support services. As part of SEMG’s preparation for the writing of its report, it also considered the .

The SEMG’s report recommends enrolment targets for each faculty for 2013-14 and 2014-15. These targets are based on proposals provided by the faculties and will be submitted to SCAD and senate for approval in April. The report also contains initial enrolment projections for 2015-2016. These are included in the report for information only. SEMG will eventually consider these projections more fully as part of the development of a longer-term enrolment plan.

Recommended increases from faculties in first-year undergraduate programs for 2013-14 and 2014-15 are quite modest, in line with previous years. Constraints in the residence system, when considered in the context of Queen’s first-year residence guarantee, as well as the availability of teaching space, offer limited capacity for additional growth.

Faculty, staff and students are invited to send their comments on the draft report by noon on Wednesday, March 27, to the Office of the Provost, at

A final version of the report will be submitted to SCAD, and subsequently to Senate, for approval in April.
