Task force invites comment on student learning report

Task force invites comment on student learning report

September 5, 2013


By Craig Leroux, Senior Communications Officer

The Provost’s Advisory Task Force on the Student Learning Experience invites feedback on its interim report, which makes 12 recommendations to enhance the student learning experience at Queen’s.

The task force, comprised of representatives from each faculty, the library, and academic support units, as well as undergraduate and graduate students, was formed by the provost in November 2012 and charged with developing specific, actionable recommendations to enhance the learning environment at Queen’s.

“Improving the student learning experience is a focus of the Academic Plan and other strategic initiatives happening at the university,” says Alan Harrison, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic). “The role of the task force is to help identify specific ways in which we can better support our faculty and students in the teaching and learning process. That’s essential if Queen’s is to advance its mission of delivering a transformative learning experience for its students.”

Together with Brian Frank, Director of Program Development in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Jill Scott, Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning), is co-chairing the task force as it works to develop evidence-based recommendations that have the potential for a broad and sustained impact on student learning.

“We are looking at every aspect of teaching and learning at Queen’s and have developed 12 actionable recommendations that will help enhance the student learning experience, five of which are near-term priorities for the task force,” says Dr. Scott. “We look forward to receiving feedback on the report from across the university.”

Among the report’s recommendations are the coordination of the various student learning services to better serve the needs of students throughout their time at Queen’s; the development of a strategic teaching enhancement program; and the coordination of technology-enhanced learning supports.

Feedback on the interim report can be sent to provost@queensu.ca by October 15, 2013. The task force will be developing a more detailed action plan and timelines to incorporate into its final report, expected later this fall.