Survey shows ITServices on 'right track'

Survey shows ITServices on 'right track'

January 4, 2013


ITServices received valuable feedback on its current services and suggestions for future improvements from a recent survey of staff and faculty.

“The results indicate we are on the right track with the services we provide and the improvements we are implementing, planning, or carefully considering,” says Sam Mokbel, Director, Infrastructure Services, ITServices. “The input will enable us to better support staff and faculty as they strive to support the university’s strategic goals.”

Respondents were asked to rate their satisfaction with 34 services and technologies. Respondents are generally satisfied with the services they use. The mean response scores for all 34 items were above the midpoint. Some of the top-rated services included payroll financing, computer setup and configuration, and kiosks.

The survey showed that access to email from mobile devices, a single sign-on, and a unified email and calendar system are the three most important technologies or services respondents require for their roles at the university. Respondents also said wireless network access in outside spaces was the most important new technology they would like to see offered, followed by telephone voice messages delivered to email inboxes.

The most frequent suggestions for service improvements were to expand support to include on-site assistance within departments, expand wireless network access to additional buildings and between buildings in outside spaces, update online phone directory with expanded search capability, and improve communication for services offered and planned outages and disruptions.

ITServices will use the results to set priorities over the coming months while continuing to consult with members of the university community. Read the complete and more information about .