Summer students support website work

Summer students support website work

February 21, 2013


Departments and faculties can advance their web-based projects this summer with the expert help of Queen’s students.

ITServices launched the Summer Student Web Resource Program (SSWRP) in 2009. After taking a break last summer, the popular program has returned for 2013.

“We hired a full-time student through the program for all three summers, and the investment paid off every time,” says Colette Steer, coordinator of recruitment activities in the School of Graduate Studies. “The students were instrumental for expanding and enhancing our web presence, which is vital for attracting future graduate students to Queen’s.”

ITServices hires, trains and supervises the students who help departments and faculties create or update websites using WebPublish, the ITServices-supported content management system. ITServices also provides students with the space and equipment they need to support their clients’ goals.

Students in this year’s program will focus exclusively on supporting the . Powered by Drupal, WebPublish II gives departments and faculties more flexibility and functionality when creating websites. Summer students can help clients redesign their existing sites or make the switch to WebPublish if they do not currently use it.

The cost for departments or faculties to hire a SSWRP student is $20/hour. This covers the student’s hourly wage, vacation pay, statutory holiday pay, training time and supervision, and a portion of the costs associated with project coordination.

If you are interested in participating in this year’s SSWRP, email Natasha Redknap by Friday, March 1. If possible, provide details regarding the type and scope of work involved. ITServices will follow up with you in late winter to confirm your requirements and provide a work estimate.