Students and public invited to participate in virtual scavenger hunt

Students and public invited to participate in virtual scavenger hunt

February 4, 2014


Queen’s University graduate student Saba Farbodkia (Neuroscience) is one of 21 students selected as Student Ambassadors for the Research Matters Virtual Scavenger Hunt. Hosted by the Council of Ontario Universities, the scavenger hunt targets the public and students to raise their interest in scientific research at the university level.

Saba Farbodkia

Each day during the month of February a new clue is released on the and the answer relates to a university research project happening somewhere in Ontario.

“This type of scavenger hunt is the first step towards having informed citizens who are curious enough to investigate the facts independently before considering their final choices,” says Ms. Farbodkia. “I’m hoping Research Matters can bring science to the lives of ordinary people. I’m taking part as a service to the Queen’s community.”

Each day a question about the research in one university in Ontario will be released. In order to find out the answer the participants are encouraged to look up the webpages of the university and enter the answer to that clue in a grid.

There are 21 grand prizes to be won and, in addition, students are eligible for five grand prizes of $500. Anyone interested participating can register .