Shake off the winter blues with spring health and wellness programs

Shake off the winter blues with spring health and wellness programs

March 27, 2014


By Dominique Delmas, Communications Intern

Staff and faculty looking to emerge from hibernation mode after a long winter can take advantage of the health and wellness programs offered on campus during lunch hour this spring.

Queen’s Athletics and Recreation and Human Resources (HR) have partnered once again to launch a 10-week series of fitness programs starting April 14. Classes include Pilates, chair yoga, and yoga for managing stress. Classes are held during lunch hour at the Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC) and are taught by certified instructors knowledgeable in improving physical and mental health.

"We're trying to create awareness on how important being active and having a healthy active lifestyle is. It's really important to find that balance. That's why we've catered these programs to the staff schedule. We are aware they only have so much time so we've adapted the programs to meet their needs," says Tiffany Bambrick, Co-ordinator, Fitness and Wellness Programs, Athletics and Recreation.

The Steps to Wellness Walking Club will meet twice a week during lunch hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting May 6. This year, the eight-week program offers participants a custom athletic T-shirt, a manual for fitness walking, and a professional instructor, all for a one-time nominal fee of $10. Orientation is on May 1 where staff can learn about the numerous benefits of fitness walking, pick up their T-shirt and manual, and meet the instructors.

“The Walking Club is a convenient and fun way to incorporate health and wellness into your lifestyle. You meet on campus and enjoy beautiful walks along campus and down by the waterfront while improving your fitness. It's a great chance to see the local area and learn about fitness as you go," says Ms. Bambrick.

Staff and faculty are also encouraged to attend the monthly Lunch and Learn sessions. Topics include: Healthy BBQ (April 28), Retirement Planning (May 26), and Ask a Dietician (June 23). Additionally, a walking club with a circuit sculpting component is being offered at West Campus on Wednesdays.

Registration details and information on the wellness programs, the walking club and Lunch and Learns can be found in the learning catalogue posted on the .