Service assists international students seeking careers

Service assists international students seeking careers

February 14, 2013


International students often have questions about workplace culture, Canadian standards for resumes and employer expectations when searching for work in Canada. Queen’s University International Centre (QUIC) and Career Services are collaborating to provide drop-in career advising specifically for international students.

“We wanted to offer a service where international students could ask questions,” says Cathy Keates, Director, Career Services. “Offering the service at QUIC makes it more convenient and accessible for international students in a space familiar to them.”

The pilot project, launched in Fall 2012, was well received by students. Sixteen students attended two sessions during the fall term, while 11 students came to the first winter term session.

“Students were very receptive to having this service at QUIC in a familiar location they are comfortable with,” says Debbie Mundell, Career Information Coordinator and facilitator of the drop-in services. “They appreciate that they can drop in to have a quick career related question answered without having to make an appointment.”

The next drop-in date is Monday, February 25, 9:30-11:30 a.m., and more dates could be added depending on the demand. Students are also welcome to drop in during .