Science Rendezvous aims to inspire future scientists

Science Rendezvous aims to inspire future scientists

April 29, 2013


For the many youth who will attend, Science Rendezvous Kingston is a day filled with experiments and displays that highlight the excitement of science. For Lynda Colgan (Education), it’s a fun opportunity to spark a child’s interest in a possible career in biology, computers or chemistry.

“I am hoping this is where future scientists will be inspired. I am hoping a child who sees and touches a butterfly will decide to become a scientist and study butterflies,” says Dr. Colgan, a professor and Rendezvous coordinator.

Science Rendezvous Kingston is in its third year and the popular event continues to grow. The first year featured 15 displays at the Queen’s Faculty of Education, but this year the event has become so big it has moved to the K-Rock Centre and features more than 50 booths.

Researchers and scientists from Queen’s, Royal Military College, St. Lawrence College, local museums and science organizations are taking part to get people excited about science.

“The goal is to let people see what scientists do. There is a public perception that science doesn’t impact people’s lives very much,” says Dr. Colgan. “We want to raise awareness that science is fun and important, and get people thinking about studying science and pursuing a science career.”

The event, happening May 11 from 10 am to 3 pm at the K-ROCK Centre, is free and open to the public. Activities include: a demonstration by the Kingston Police tactical squad, who will rappel from the K-Rock ceiling to show how pulleys operate, a pool-playing robot and l; and making your own slime with volunteers from the Queen’s chemistry department.

Science Rendezvous is part of a national event taking place in 30 communities across Canada.