Planting the SEEDS for future scholars

Planting the SEEDS for future scholars

April 10, 2014


[SEEDS]Riley Leeson-Roche, a Grade 8 student at North Grenville District High School, Liam Reid, a Grade 7 student from Stirling Public School, and Simon Spencer, a Grade 8 student also from North Grenville, (left to right) explored civil engineering by designing, building and testing a bridge constructed out of pasta.

By Mark Kerr, Senior Communications Officer

More than 600 elementary school students from the local region came to campus on April 7-9 for the spring edition of the Seven Eight Enrichment Day Studies (SEEDS) program. The highly motivated, above average students examined a number of different subjects through hands-on experience and class discussion.  More information about upcoming spring and summer programs is available on the .