Nominations open for Distinguished Service Award

Nominations open for Distinguished Service Award

June 3, 2013


The nomination period for the Queen’s University Distinguished Service Award is now open. Following recent changes to the University Council’s bylaws, nominations may now come from Queen’s employees, retirees, alumni, or members of the University Council or Board of Trustees.

“The Distinguished Service Award honours individuals who have helped to make a better university through their dedication and service to Queen’s,” says David Dodge, Chancellor and Chair of University Council. “If you know of someone whose contributions should be recognized through this award, please take the time to nominate that individual.”

Inaugurated by the University Council in 1974, the Distinguished Service Award recognizes the outstanding contributions of up to six members of the Queen’s community each year. Selection criteria include the breadth of the individual’s impact, the length of his or her service to the university, and demonstrated contributions above and beyond what is normally expected, relative to that person’s relationship to Queen’s. Faculty, staff, retirees, alumni and friends of the university are eligible to be nominated for the award.

The nomination period is open until June 30. The must be signed by five nominators and must be accompanied by at least five letters of support, which may come from the nominators or other individuals familiar with the accomplishments of the nominee.

Recipients of the Distinguished Service Award become honorary lifetime, non-voting members of the University Council. This year’s recipients will be recognized at the council’s annual dinner on Friday, October 18.