New university policy approved on the indirect costs of sponsored research

New university policy approved on the indirect costs of sponsored research

September 25, 2013


By Craig Leroux, Senior Communications Officer

A new university policy on the recovery and distribution of funding in support of the indirect costs of sponsored research has been approved by the Vice-Principals’ Operations Committee. The policy, which is effective May 1, 2013, was a necessary update to Queen’s previous policy, given the implementation of the new budget model.

“Under the new budget model, revenue is allocated directly to the faculties and schools responsible for generating that revenue,” says Steven Liss, Vice-Principal (Research), “Thus funding received to offset indirect costs of research will also flow directly to faculties and schools, and this new policy gives Deans the responsibility for managing these funds.”

The indirect costs of research are not directly associated with a particular research project, but support the university’s research activities. These can include resources like libraries and computer networks, as well as occupancy costs such as heat and other utilities.

Approved along with the new policy is a new procedure for use by the research community when preparing research budgets. These procedures will be updated from time to time as the university transitions to the new budget model and new processes are developed. Information sessions, tools and assistance on working with the new policy and procedure are available from University Research Services and Industry Partnerships.

“We will be holding workshops designed to help researchers through the process and to ensure that indirect cost support is included whenever it is applicable,” says Karina McInnis, Executive Director of University Research Services. “We are available to provide assistance throughout the process.”

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